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Bibliography (codes [eaa] to [ebz])

Last modified: 2014-08-29 by antónio martins
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Missing info! (4)
Title: Ensign & Jack
Medium: periodical
Edition (publisher: place): Canadian Flag Association / L’ Association canadienne de Vexillologie (Canada)
Language: English
Publishing dates: 1998-
Catalogue codes: ISSN:1492-8477
Remarks: Chart like flyer, supplement to [fsc].



Missing info! (1)
Title: Our Flags. Their Origin, Use and Tradition
Medium: book
Main author(s): S. Eardley-Wilmot, Rear Admiral
Edition (publisher: place): Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., Ltd.: London (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1901 (1st ed.)
Format: 8vo (25×17 ±5 cm)

Remarks: Hardcover. A full study on British flags, details the history and background of colours often used without thought to the origin and purpose. The author begins with The Royal Standard, Union Jack, and on to the flags of the army and the colonies. All the components and details are briefly described. Included are full colour plates and footnotes.



Unused entry: Please refer to author Ralph M. Eastman.



Title: Flags of Aspirant Peoples
Medium: chart
Main author(s): John Edwards; Ralph G. C. Bartlett
Edition (publisher: place): Flag Society of Australia (Australia)
Language: English
Edition date: 1994 (1st ed.)
Format: 82×60 cm

Remarks: N28 in [brz96b].

Colour chart published in 1994 by the Flag Society of Australia and the Flag Research Center. Authors and copyright holders: John Edwards & Ralph Bartlett. Includes 202 flags and a geographical map for location and does not give any precision other than «The legal status of the flags on this chart varies widely. The flags appear as a matter of record only, and may not be taken to represent any opinion of the compilers or publisher as to their status. Flags on this chart are correct as of December 1993.»

  1. Orandia
  2. KwaZulu
  3. Mayotte (Comoro Islands Democratic Front)
  4. Cabinda
  5. Katanga
  6. South Kasai
  7. Lualaba
  8. Batwa
  9. Ruwenzuru
  10. Buganda
  11. Eri
  12. Western Region
  13. Northern Nigeria
  14. Biafra
  15. Benin
  16. Madeira
  17. Azores islands
  18. Revolutionary Movement of the Blue Men
  19. Chad (Frolinat)
  20. North Chad
  21. Republic of Logone
  22. Anya-Nya
  23. Imatong
  24. Oromia
  25. Somaliland Republic
  26. West Somali Liberation Front
  27. Judea
  28. Druzes - Israel
  29. Druzes - Lebanon
  30. Lebanon Christians
  31. Arabestan
  32. Kurdistan
  33. Zazakistan
  34. North Cyprus
  35. North Epirus
  36. Turkish Bulgarians
  37. Mavrolachians
  38. Montenegro
  39. Hrvatska Hercegovina-Bosna
  40. Srpska Bosna Hercegovina
  41. Krajina
  42. Istocnja Slavonia
  43. Moveman Harpitanya
  44. Jura
  45. Friuli
  46. Patrje Ladine
  47. South Tyrol
  48. Trieste
  49. Venice
  50. Piedmont
  51. Val d’Aosta
  52. Northern Republic
  53. Lombard League
  54. Liguria
  55. Tuscany
  56. Sicily
  57. Andalucia
  58. Valencia - South-East Spain
  59. Balearic Islands
  60. Vall d’Aran
  61. Aragon
  62. Asturias
  63. Galicia
  64. Savoy
  65. Occitania
  66. Provence
  67. Normandy
  68. Celtic Union
  69. Alsace
  70. German-speaking Community, Belgium
  71. Wallonia
  72. Flanders
  73. Friesland
  74. East Frisians
  75. North Frisians
  76. Ulster
  77. Skania
  78. Silesia
  79. Moravia
  80. Lemkovina
  81. Kashubia
  82. Livians (Livonians) - West Latvia.
  83. Ingria [Inkeri] (Ingrians) - St Petersburg’s area, West Russia.
  84. Karjala (Karelians) - North-West Russia.
  85. Komi Republic (Komi) [Zyrians] - North Russia.
  86. Yamalo-Nenets (Yamals & Nenets) - North Russia.
  87. Mordovia (Mordovians) [Moksha] - Central Russia.
  88. Mari El (Marsi) [Cheremisses] - Central Russia.
  89. Vepsians - North-West Russia.
  90. Udmurtia (Udmurts) [Votyaks] - Central Russia.
  91. Cha¨vash’ Jen (Chuvashes) - Central Russia.
  92. Tatarstan (Tatars) - Central Russia.
  93. Khalmg-Tangch (Kalmyks) - South-East Russia.
  94. Don Cossacks - South-East Russia.
  95. Kuban Cossacks - South-East Russia.
  96. Terek Cossacks - North Caucasus, Russia.
  97. Krim (Tatars) - Crimena peninsula.
  98. Krim (Russians) - Krimean peninsula.
  99. Cis-Dnestrian Moldova [Podniestrskaya Moldova] (Russians) - East Moldova.
  100. Gagauzia [Gagauzes] (Turkish Christians) - South Moldova.
  101. Ak-Rusya Tatar (Tatars) - Belorussia.
  102. Daghestan - North Caucasus, Russia.
  103. Adyge Republic (Adygei) - North Caucasus, Russia, based on written description.
  104. Cherkess Respublike (Cherkesses) [Circassians] - North Caucasus, Russia.
  105. Keberdei¨ Respublike (Kabardins) - North Caucasus, Russia.
  106. Karachay Republic (Karachays) - North Caucasus, Russia.
  107. Malkar Respublika (Balkarians) - North Caucasus, Russia.
  108. Nokhchyi¨chuo (Chechens) - North Caucasus, Russia.
  109. Galgai Republic (Ingushes) - North Caucasus, Russia.
  110. North Ossetia (Iristi) [Ossetes] - North Caucasus, Russia.
  111. South Ossetia (Iristi) [Ossetes] - North Caucasus, Georgia.
  112. Abkhazia [Apsny] (Abkhazians) - North West Georgia.
  113. Artsakh [Nagorno-Karabagh] (Armenians) - West Azerbaijan.
  114. Go¨kchai and Zangezur (Azerbaijanis) - East Armenia.
  115. Nakhichevan (Southern Azerbaijanis) - Armenian/Iranian border.
  116. Ural Republic - East Russia and West Siberia.
  117. Ural Cossacks - East Russia and West Siberia.
  118. Khantu-Mansi (Khanti & Mansi [Ostyaks & Vogols]) - West Siberia.
  119. Bashkortostan (Bashkirs) - West Siberia.
  120. Evenkia (Evenki [Tunguses]) - Central Siberia.
  121. Khakassia (Khakass Turks) - South Siberia.
  122. Tuva Ulus (Tuvinian Mongols) - South Siberia.
  123. Buryat Ulus [Buryatia] (Buryat Mongols) - South Siberia.
  124. Agu”n Buryatia - South Siberia.
  125. Ust-Ordu”n Buryatia - South Siberia.
  126. Altay Republic (Oirot Mongols and Kirghiz) - South Siberia.
  127. Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) - North Siberia.
  128. Sakha Omuk [Sakha Respubli Kalar] (Sakhas [Yakuts]) - North Siberia.
  129. United States of North Asia - Siberia.
  130. Yidishtim Yehudit (Jewish National Region) - South-East Siberia.
  131. Chukotka (Palaeosiberians) - East Siberia.
  132. Chav’ Chu”v [Koryakia] (Koryaks) - Kamchatka.
  133. Ainus - Hokkaido, North Japan.
  134. Ryukyu Islands [Okinawa] - Prefecture, South Japan.
  135. Taiwan - Democratic Progressive Party [Min Jin Tang].
  136. Hainan (Li and Miao, 1943-1949) - South China - War flag).
  137. East Turkestan (Uighurs) - West-china, Xinjiang.
  138. Sikkim (former Rong kingdom) - North-East India.
  139. Gurkhaland (Gurkhas) - Nepal.
  140. Hunza (State and mirate) - North Pakistan.
  141. Dir (Fomer principalty) - North-West Pakistan.
  142. Pakthunistan (Pathans) - Afghan-Pakistan frontier.
  143. Baluchistan (Baluchis) - Afghan/Pakistani/Iranian frontier.
  144. Sindhu-Desh (Sindhis) - South Pakistan.
  145. Sind (Hindu Sindhis) - South Pakistan.
  146. United Suvadivian Republic (early 1960s) - South Maldive Islands.
  147. Tamil Nadu (Free Tamil movement) - South-East India.
  148. Andhra (Jai Andhra movement) - Andhra Pradesh, South-East India.
  149. Manipur (Meithei and hill tribes) - Noth-East India.
  150. Mizoram (Mizos, Zomis or Chins) - North-East India.
  151. Assam [Asom] (United Liberation Front of Asom) - North-East India.
  152. Chittagong Hill Tracts (Hill tribes) - Bangladesh.
  153. Arakan [Rakhine] (National Union Front of Arakan) - Burma [Myanmar]
  154. Kachinland (Kachin Independence Orgnization) - Burma
  155. Zoram [Chin State] (Zomi [‘Chins’]) - Burma.
  156. Shan State (Shanland United Army, Union of Shanland Republics, Shans), war flag - Burma.
  157. Karenni [Kayah State] (Red Karens), based on written description - Burma.
  158. Wa National Organization (Was) - Burma.
  159. Pa-O National Organization (Pa-Os) - Burma.
  160. Palaung State Liberation Party (Palaungs) - Burma.
  161. Lahu National Organization (Lahus) - Burma.
  162. New Môns State Party (Môns) - Burma.
  163. Chao Fa Movement (H’mongs) - Laos.
  164. Khmer Mountain Tribes - Central Vietnam, war flag.
  165. Champa Independent Republic, 1965 (Chams) - Central Vietnam.
  166. Mindanao (Mindanao Independence Movement) - Philippines.
  167. Christmas Island - External territory, Australia.
  168. Torres Strait Islanders (Melanesians) - Queensland dependency, Australia.
  169. Norfolk Island - External territory, Australia.
  170. Papua (Papua Bessena separatist movement) - Papua New Guinea.
  171. Maori Nation (Maoris) - New Zealand (Aotearoa).
  172. Na-Griamel League (Separatist Movement, 1963-1980) - Vanuatu.
  173. N’Makiaute (Malekula Island separatists, 1980) - Vanuatu.
  174. Wallis and Futuna Islands (Polynesians) - French Overseas Territory.
  175. Tahitinui (Pan-Polnesian Independence Movement) - French Polynesia.
  176. Tahiti - Subdivision, French Polynesia.
  177. Tuamotu Islands - Subdivision, French Polynesia.
  178. Marquesas Islands - Subdivision, French Polynesia.
  179. Ka Lahui Hawai (Polynesian sovereignty movement) - Hawaiian Islands, United States.
  180. Labrador (Local autonomist movement) - Newfoundland dependency, Canada.
  181. Newfoundland (‘Newfies’ separatist movement) - Canada.
  182. Inuit (‘Eskimos’) - Alaska.
  183. Acadians (Francophones of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Louisiana [Cajuns]) - Canada and United States.
  184. Kaniengehaga (Mohawk Indian Nation) - Canada and United States.
  185. Haida Gwaii (Haida Indian Nation) - British Columbia, Canada.
  186. Nistassin (Innu Indians) - Quebec and Labrador, Canada.
  187. Teme-Augama Anishnabai (Indian Nation) - North Ontario, Canada.
  188. American Indian Movement - United States.
  189. North Cheyene Indian Tribe - Montana, United States.
  190. Seminole Indian Tribe - Florida, United States.
  191. Micosukee Indian Tribe - Florida, United States.
  192. Navajo Indian Nation - New Mexico, United States
  193. Black Americans - United States.
  194. Mexican Americans [‘La Raza’] - United States.
  195. Guadeloupe (People’s Movement for an Independent Guadeloupe [MPGI] - French Overseas Department, Caribbean.
  196. Martinique (Martiniquan Independence Movement [MIM]) - French Overseas Department, Caribbean.
  197. Tule Republic (Cuna Indians, 1925) - San Blas Islands, Panama.
  198. Tawantinsuyo Liberation Front (Indians) - Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
  199. Indian Tribes of Colombia - Colombia.
  200. Tupac Katari Indian Movement (MITKA) - Bolivia.
  201. Mapu [Araucania] (Mapuche Indians) - Chile.
  202. Republic of the Pampas (separatist movement) - South Brazil.
Ivan Sache, 12 Sep 1999

I would counsel some caution in treating the Australian flag chart on Aspirant Peoples as a source. It contains a lot of images which cannot be supported by documentation or any kind of evidence, some of which spring from the fevered brow of a Russian vexillologist of doubtful reputation. They need to be treated with some scepticism until further evidence comes along.
William Crampton, 1996

The authors of the chart included the flag in good faith, I know them as serious vexillologists. And as they state in the chart, the flags appear as a matter of record only. In fact it is very difficult to decide on which flags from all the hundreds of flags discussed in vexillological periodicals (or FOTW) do really represent an aspirant people, or do just belong to an ephimeral political party representing only a tiny aspirant part of that people. Criteria of including or omitting flags on the various charts published all over the world are difficult to understand for readers. Criteria are also difficult to set up by authors. In democratic countries, where regional, state or autonomous flags are legally recognised, differentiation of separatist movements’ flags on one hand, which often represent but a very small part of the population, from the same traditional regional flag, which represents the big majority of the population accepting their region as a part of the state or nation, is most difficult.
Emil Dreyer, 11 Dec 2000

Please note, that the Flags of Non-Independent Peoples and Flags of Aspirant Peoples [jcL90] charts are two separate publications. As both charts contain different flags I had to call the two charts by different, but similar, names as it is the same general subject matter.
Ralph Kelly, Jun 2005



Missing info! (4)
Title: Sotaretkistä kansanjuhlaan: Pohjoismaiden lippujen historia. Från fälttog till folkfest: De nordiska flaggornas historia
Medium: book
Main author(s): Christina Engblom
Secondary author(s): Maijaliisa Jokinen
Edition (publisher: place): Nordens institut i Finland: Helsinki (Finland)
Languages: Finnish and Swedish
Edition date: 1999
Catalogue codes: ISBN 951-98256-0-6 = ISBN 978-951-98256-0-1
Pages: 31 + 10 posters



Missing info! (4)
Title: Flags of the United Nations
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Elsa B. Endrst
Language: English
Source title: UN Chronicle
Source number (date): XXIX.4 (1992)
Source pages: 74-75



Unused entry: Please refer to author Lars-Åke Engblom.



Obsolete entry! Please refer to [e2e93]



Obsolete entry! Please refer to [ebc99]



Title: Das ist Kärnten: Geschichte, Kultur, Landschaft
(in English: This is Carinthia: history, culture, landscape)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Wolbert Ebner
Secondary author(s): (others)
Edition (publisher: place): Kärntner Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft: Klagenfurt (Austria)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 2003 (5th ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 3-85391-214-1 = ISBN 978-3-85391-214-10
Pages: 248
Format: 285×230 mm



Missing info! (2)
Title: World of Flags
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): F.E. Compton Co. (Division of Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.): Chicago (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1970
Pages: 36
Format: 25×20 cm
Remarks: A reprint of the pages 180-214 of a volume of Encyclopedia Britannica.



Missing info! (3)
Title: Kreiswappen und Kreisfahne
(in English: County arms and county flag)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Werner Eberth
Language: German (High)
Source title: 120 Jahre Landkreis-Selbstverwaltung, 110 Jahre Landratsamt Bad Kissingen
Source number (date): (1972)
Source pages: 20-21
Source edition (publisher: place): Landratsamt Bad Kissingen: Bad Kissingen (Germany)



Title: Тарак-тамга - родовий знак кримських ханів | Tarak-tamga - rodoviĭ znak krimshkiq qanịv
(in English: Tarak-Tamga - Family Sign of the Crimean Khans)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Сервер Ебубекіров | Server Ebubekịrov
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 22 (2000.09)
Source pages: 13



Missing info! (2)
Title: Noticia sobre banderas y estandartes en Tenerife en el siglo XVI
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 77 (2000)



Missing info! (2)
Title: Las banderas de los caballeros teutónicos capturadas en Tannenberg
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 75-76 (2000)
Remarks: 14th Spanish Vexillology Congress



Missing info! (2)
Title: Banderas en la red: una experiencia
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 75-76 (2000)
Remarks: 14th Spanish Vexillology Congress



Missing info! (2)
Title: La ensangrentada camisa de Matías Zurita y la bandera de Telde
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 74 (2000)



Missing info! (2)
Title: Unos extraños símbolos independentistas canarios
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 81 (2001)



Missing info! (2)
Title: Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 81 (2001)
Remarks: Commented in Banderas 82 [ban].



Missing info! (2)
Title: Banderas de unidad: carteles republicanos de la Guerra Civil española
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 82 (2002)



Missing info! (2)
Title: Banderas en los carteles de los partidos y organizaciones del bando republicano en la Guerra Civil Española
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 89 (2003)
Remarks: 17th Spanish Vexillology Congress



Missing info! (2)
Title: Las primeras banderas sobre Canarias: el testimonio de la crónica “Le Canarien”
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 91 (2004)



Missing info! (2)
Title: Historia del rebelión y castigo de los moriscos del Reino de Granada
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 90 (2004)



Missing info! (2)
Title: Concepción Arenal y la bandera de la Cruz Roja
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 97 (2005)



Missing info! (2)
Title: Banderas y Arqueología
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 96 (2005)
Remarks: 19th Spanish Vexillology Congress



Missing info! (2)
Title: Banderas de Canarias
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 96 (2005)
Remarks: 19th Spanish Vexillology Congress



Missing info! (2)
Title: Escudo independentista de Canarias
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 95 (2005)

From 15 December 2001 until 5 February 2005 this page also provided entries for bibliographical codes in the range eca - ekz. The new locations for the entries belonging to those codes can be found from the main bibliography page.

Anything below this line was not added by the editor of this page.

Anything below the following line isnt part of the Flags of the World Website and was added by the hoster of this mirror.

Bei erhalten Sie eine Vielzahl an günstigen Flaggen, Pins und Aufnähern, zum Beispiel:
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 (45 x 30 cm) Flagge Flaggen Fahne Fahnen kaufen bestellen Shop Fahne von Bielefeld
 (150 x 90 cm) Premium Flagge Flaggen Fahne Fahnen kaufen bestellen Shop Tisch-Flagge Finnland 15x10cm
 mit Kunststoffständer Flagge Flaggen Fahne Fahnen kaufen bestellen Shop Tisch-Flagge Sao Tome und Principe Flagge Flaggen Fahne Fahnen kaufen bestellen Shop