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Brod-Posavina County (Croatia)

Brodsko-posavska županija

Last modified: 2023-03-25 by rob raeside
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[County flag] image by Željko Heimer, 8 November 2000

See also:

Presentation of Brod-Posavina County

Most of the counties of Croatia, but not all of them, are named with two parts, one being the name of the capital and the other the name of the wider region. The capital of Brod-Posavina County is Slavonski Brod (Bosanski Brod is on the other bank of the Sava river in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and there are several "Brod" in Czech Republic and Slovakia). Posavina means "the region around [river] Sava", and is, of course, a region larger than the county itself.

Željko Heimer, 8 September 1996

Flag of Brod-Posavina County

The symbols of Brod-Posavina County are prescribed by Decision Odluka o uporabi grba, zastave i imena županij, adopted by the County Assembly on 9 December 1994 and published in the County official gazette Službeni vjesnik Županije Brodčko-posavske. The symbols were approved on 20 February 1996 by the Ministry of Administration. The Decision was amended by Odluka o izmjenama i dopunama Odluke o uporabi grba, zastave i imena županije, adopted on 23 November 2009 and published on 27 November 2009 in Službeni vjesnik Županije Brodčko-posavske, No. 17 (text).
The consolidated Statutes of the County Statut Županije Brodsko-posavske (pročišćeni tekst), adopted on 23 April 1997 and published on 28 April 1997 in Službeni vjesnik Županije Brodčko-posavske, No. 2, describes the symbols. The Amendments to the 1994 Statutes (Statut Županije Brodsko-posavske, adopted on 5 May 1994 and published on 2 June 1994 in Službeni vjesnik Županije Brodsko-posavske, No. 5) considering the symbols were issued in 1994 in the official gazette No. 13; the 1995 Amendments, however, list the official gazette No. 14.

Decision Odluka o izmjenama opčih akata koji sadrže naziv Županije, adopted on 10 July 1997 and published on 20 July 1997 in Službeni vjesnik Brodsko-posavske županije, No. 6, formally changed all the previous valid acts in regard with the name of the County, thus also the Statutes and the Decision on the use of the coat of arms, the flag and the name of the County from "Županija Brodsko-posavska" to "Brodsko-posavska županija" in accordance with the change prescribed in the State legislation.
The consolidated Statutes of the County Statut Brodsko-posavske županije (pročišćeni tekst), adopted on 30 October 2001 and published on 16 November 2001 in Službeni vjesnik Brodsko-posavske županije, No. 11, repeat the description of the symbols, as do the consolidated Statutes of the County Statut Brodsko-posavske županije (pročišćeni tekst), adopted on 23 May 2006 and published on 21 June 2006 in Službeni vjesnik Brodčko-posavske županije, No. 9, and the most recent Statutes Statut Brodsko-posavske županije, adopted on 16 July 2009 and published on 29 July 2009 in Službeni vjesnik Brodčko-posavske županije, No. 10.

The flag is blue with two white diagonal stripes running from upper hoist to lower fly. In the middle there is the coat of arms of the County. The description of the flag is given in the Statutes in a rather vague way. The central blue stripe is said to represent river Sava. The proportions, of course, are set to 1:2. The coat of arms is set in the middle with its height being 1/2 of the flag height.
A ceremonial flag is also defined, but simply by adding a golden fringe to the regular flag.

Following the Decision to begin the process of adoption of the County's symbols, adopted on 30 November 1993, the County Assembly established a commission to run a public contest and to select the best design for its symbols (Rješenje o imenovanju Komisije za provedbu natječaja za izradu i izbor najuspješnijeg rješenja znamenja Županije Brodsko-posavske, adopted on 3 June 1994 and published on 2 June 1994 [?] in Službeni vjesnik Županije Brodčko-posavske, No. 5). The commission was headed by Dr. Jozo Meter (County Mayor), Slavica Bešloc serving as secretary. The professional members of the commission were Fedor Kritovac (Professor of Design), Maja Bejdić (Head of the Heraldry Division at the State Archives), Zdravko Tišljar (Professor at the Fine Arts Academy of Zagreb; both later members of the Commission of the Ministry of Administration approving coats of arms), Zvonimir Loncarić (academic sculptor), Vesna Kalec-Klikić (historian), Mato Artuković (historian) and Predrag Gol (academic painter, Head of the Gallery of the Brod Museum).
The commission held a session on 3 September 1994 to decide the winning designs (document Zaključak o izboru najuspješnijeg idejnog rješenja znamenja Županije i o dodjeli nagrada autorima rješenja). Three prizes were given out, the first one to the winning design (4,000 HRK, being some 550 EUR) awarded to Nenad Jalšovec, a designer from Čakovec; the second prize of 2,000 HRK was awarded to Pero Čimbur from Zagreb (a successful heraldic artist designer of several coats of arms in the 1970-1990s, and author of several flag-related books) and the third of 1,500 HRK to Zvonimir Balunović, a painter from Slavonski Brod.

Željko Heimer, 24 August 2011

Coat of arms of Brod-Posavina County

[County coat of arms] image by Željko Heimer, 8 November 2000

The coat of arms of Brod-Posavina County is "Azure, a bar wavy argent, over it five mullets or 3 + 2, and under a marten or". As explained in the County Statutes, the coat of arms is based on the historical coat of arms of Slavonia, showing the running marten. The single wavy bar represent river Sava. The five six-pointed mullets are said to be a "pre-heraldical Croatian symbol of man and humanity".

The arms were designed by Nenad Jalšovec, a designer from Čakovec, who proposed the design in six variants (differing only in colours), however, somewhat different from the design eventually used - namely, his original proposal had a crescent instead of a running marten. The commission required from the designer to amend the design to replace the crescent with the marten, which he obviously did.

Željko Heimer, 12 December 2009

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