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Ingushetia (Russia)


Last modified: 2021-12-31 by valentin poposki
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Инушетия / ГӀалгӀай Мохк

Flag of Ingushetia image by António Martins, 04 October 2006

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Presentation of Ingushetia

(Note: You need an Unicode-aware software and font to correctly view the Cyrillic text on this page. See here transliteration details).

  • Name (English): Ingushetia, Ingushia • (Russian, short form): Инушетия | Inguŝetiâ • (Russian, long form): Инушская Республика | Inguŝskaâ Respublika • (local, long form): ГӀалгаӀай Мохк | Gǀalgaǀaĭ Moqk
  • Local official language: Ingush
  • Capital (Russian): Назрань | Nazranh • (English): Nazran
  • Area: 4 300 km² (~1,700 sq. mi.) • Population: 460 800 inhabitants in 2000
  • Status: Republic (Республика | Respublika) within the Russian Federation
  • Flag adopted on 1994.07.15 • Coat of arms adopted on 1994.08.26

The Ingush were one of the Caucasian Muslim peoples brought together in the Mountain ASSR of 1920. Four years later a separate Ingush region was established, and this in turn merged with Chechnya in 1924. In 1992 (?) the Ingush separated from the breakaway Chechen state — a wise move in view of the subsequent invasion by Russia of the latter.
Stuart Notholt

Before it was Chechen-Ingush ASSR, later, from December, 14, 1991 till December, 10, 1993 — named Ingush Republic.
Mikhail Revnivtsev, 02 October 2005

Description of the flag

The author of the original version of this flag is Khusen Barakhoiev (Хусен Барахоев | Qusen Baraqoev).
Mikhail Revnivtsev, 02 October 2005

A new Law dated 11 July 1999, available online (in Russian), changed the proportions of the flag, established by the Law of 13 May 1994 as 1:2, to 2:3.
Antonio Gutiérrez, 25 June 2006

Descriptions of the solar sign are different in the 1994 and 1999 laws.
Antonio Gutiérrez, 30 June 2006

Legal text

Recently I received a document from the Parliament of the Republic of Ingushetia what seems to be the official annex to the Law of 11 July 1999. The image of the flag in the annex has nothing to do with the previous one, and fits more accurately (although not entirely) with the description and measures prescribed in article 1 of the Law and also with the images of actual flags. As far as I know this is the one and only annex to the Law, so no construction sheet is available, at least as annex to the Law.
Antonio Gutiérrez, 02 October 2006

The details of Article One are as follows:

The National flag of the Republic of Ingushetia is a rectangular white panel, in the centre of which is a solar sign in the form of a red circle with three arched beams coming from the latter. The ratio of the flag’s width to its length is 1:2.

There are two green stripes — along the whole length of the upper and lower parts of the flag. Each of them is 1/6 of the total width of the flag. The radius of the inner circle of the solar sign is 1/6 of the flag’s width. Each of the three beams of the solar sign is a semicircle, the inner radius of which is 1/8 of the flag’s width. The width of the stripe, making a circumference of the solar sign and that of the beams, is 1/36 of the flag’s width.

The beams are located evenly along the circumference of the solar sign and directed anticlockwise.

The Law does not specify an overall size for the emblem, which in turn would give us a reasonable idea of the angle at which the beams join the circle and/or the amount showing.
Christopher Southworth, 21 October 2003

Source of image above:
Tomislav Šipek, 10 December 2019

Shade of red

The “wheel” inside that flag is a sun symbol. It is red, truly red.
Ralf Stelter, 27 June 1999

The 1999 law text mentions «красного круга» (red disc), not using the well-known words "пурпурный", "тёмне красный" or "чеверлёный", which stand for dark red and are used in the legal description of the flags of Moscow city, Chuvashia and not many others.
António Martins, 28 June 2006

Incorrect and variant depictions

The flag of Ingushetia has been a real problem with regard to the wonderful variety of official specs on offer, although the new lot seem to answer a lot of questions with regard to how it should look now.
Christopher Southworth, 30 June 2006

To make things more complicated, the book Winds of change [r4f96] gives two different descriptions [of the pre-1999 flag], the one of the Law and another Description signed by President of the Republic of Ingushetia on 22 June 1994. [See image from this book.]
Moreover, on vex-bulletin Informace (VexiINFO) No. 1, dated 6 April 1994 [vei94a] are given construction details for the solar sign, whose specs doesn’t fit with any of the prescribed in the said documents.
More complications. The Law of 1994 appears in the 1999 Law as abolished, numbered 1-RKZ and dated 13 May 1994. According to this on line document, Law is made up of 8 articles. At Heraldica.RU website there is another text, this numbered 36 and dated 15 July 1994, with 9 articles (this text is the one transcribed in [r4f96]). Obviously are different texts (?).
Finally, according to Gaceta de Banderas No. 9 (1993, page 44) [gdb], quoting Flaggenmitteilung [fml], the flag was adopted 7 April 1993.
All this give the following resumed timeline for the 1993-1994 period:

  • Flag adopted 7 April 1993 ([gdb] 9 quoting [fml], no additional data).
  • Construction details of the solar sign in Informace [vei94a] (date of publication 6 April 1994).
  • Law No. 1-RKZ, 13 May 1994 (text unknown).
  • Description of the flag, 22 June 1994.
  • Law No. 36, 15 July 1994.
Unfortunately more questions than answers. I just can say that there are not just one construction specs for the solar sign, but various from different dates.
Antonio Gutiérrez, 30 Jun 2006

From [British TV station] BBC4’s “The World”, a report from the Russian republic of Ingushetia, which included an interview with the Ingush President, with the flag behind him, and a shot of the flag flying as taken from Ingush television and which was included in the BBC report. The problem is that the two flags weren’t identical (and the flag on is different again): the “arms” on the central motif are different thicknesses and different shapes: On the first scene, the red hoop is thicker, and the three “arms” are chunky, not very curved and “facing” the hoist; on the second the “arms” appear to be almost straight with a “knob” at the end.
André Coutanche, 21 May 2004 and 03 Oct 2005

Perhaps some actual (and recent) photos may help:

Not all the images are clear, but some shows clearly (at least for me) the rays as a straight line, and the top of the rays doesn’t seem to be a semi-circle as prescribed by the Law, or at least a very strange semi-circle. (The shape of the solar sign is in these images the same as in the ones seen on the BBC.) Most photos show the top beam very close to the upper green stripe (device centered in the inner circle?) and most flags seems to be upside down, with the vertical beam downwards!
Antonio Gutiérrez, 02 Jul 2006

Reference to the Ingush government website confuses things further: The flag at the top of the page is thin and lean but two small photos seem to show the chunkier version
André Coutanche, 21 May 2004

We must conclude that there are different de facto versions of the Ingush flag — and these de facto versions are actually used officially.
André Coutanche, 03 Oct 2005

Head of the Republic

Flag of Ingushetia image by Tomislav Šipek, 10 December 2019

Source of image above:
Tomislav Šipek, 10 December 2019

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