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Bibliography (codes [gda] to [ggz])

Last modified: 2013-12-02 by antónio martins
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Title: Schiffsflagge im Nebel der Geschichte. Frage nach der Beflaggung von Schiffen des Deutschen Ordens blieb in der Literatur ungeklärt
(in English: Naval flag in fog of history. Question for the flagging on ships of the Teutonic Order remained unsolved in literature)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Kurt Gerdau
Language: German (High)
Source title: Kleeblatt: Zeitschrift für Heraldik und verwandte Wissenschaften [klb]
Source number (date): 1996-1 (1996)
Source pages: 17-20


Title: Gaceta de Banderas
(in English: Gazette of Flags)
Medium: periodical
Edition (publisher: place): Sociedad Española de Vexilología (SEV) (Spain)
Languages: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish), French and English
Publishing dates: 1979-
Frequency: 8 issues per annum
Pages: 4-6
Format: A4 (tall) (279×210 mm)

1 entries in this source:

issue 96:

Remarks: Published monthly, except on March, June, September and December, in collaboration with Centre Belgo-Européen d’Études des Drapeaux. Not the same as [ban]!


Missing info! (9)
Title: Colours of British regiments Volume 3: militia, fencibles, volunteers, local militia
Medium: book
Main author(s): James D. Geddes
Language: English
Remarks: Reviewed in Flagmaster [flm] 107: 3.


Unused entry: Please refer to author Gusinde.


Missing info! (1)
Title: Flags over Liberia
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): G. de Graaf
Language: English
Source title: Recueil du IIe Congrès International de Vexillologie, Zurich 1967 [icv67]
Source number (date): (1968)
Source pages: 122-128


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Title: Fáein orð um fálkamerki Sigurðar Guðmundssonar málara
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Elsa E. Guðjónsson
Secondary author(s): Kristján Eldjárn
Language: Icelandic
Source title: Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags
Source number (date): (1980)
Source pages: 36-43
Source edition (publisher: place): Ísafoldarprentsmiðja: Reykjavík (Iceland)


Missing info! (3)
Title: Det danske rigsvaaben
(in English: The Danish state arms)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Poul Bredo Grandjean
Edition (publisher: place): J H Schultz Forlag: København (Denmark)
Language: Danish
Edition date: 1926
Pages: 300


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Title: Politische Symbole der europäischen Integration
(in English: Political symbols of the European integration)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Markus Göldner
Edition (publisher: place): Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1988
Catalogue codes: ISBN 3-8204-0275-6 = ISBN 978-3-8204-0275-9


Title: My interest in flags
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Hank Gardner
Language: English
Source title: NAVA News [nav]
Source number (date): 2001 Jan./Mar. (2001.01-03)
Source pages: 1-2


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Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): DeWitt Henry Greene
Language: English
Source title: NAVA News [nav]
Source number (date): 2001 Jan./Mar. (2001.01-03)
Source pages: 2+col3
Remarks: Letter excerpts


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Title: La figure officielle de la République Française: Monnaies et timbres
(in English: The official figure of the French Republic: Coins and stamps)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Marie-Claude Genet-Delacroix
Secondary author(s): Christophe Charle; Jacqueline Lalouette; Michel Pigenet; Anne-Marie Sohn
Language: French
Source title: La France démocratique (combats, mentalités, symboles). Mélanges offerts à Maurice Agulhon
Source number (date): 45 (1998)
Source pages: 421-448
Source edition (publisher: place): Publications de la Sorbonne: Paris (France)
Remarks: Book section. Histoire de la France aux XIXe et XXe siècles


Missing info! (1)
Title: Banistiek
(in English: Banneristics)
Medium: book
Main author(s): F. H. Geens
Edition (publisher: place): Instituut voor Vlaamse Volkskunst: Schoten (Belgium)
Language: Dutch
Edition date: 2002
Pages: 90
Format: 30×21 cm
Remarks: Information on line.


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Title: Die Embleme der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft und Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften
(in English: The emblems of the Emperor Wilhelm Association and Max Planck Association for the Advancement of Science)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Willi Geile
Language: German (High)
Source title: Ordenskunde: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Auszeichnungen
Source number (date): 56 (1983)
Source pages: 652-699
Source edition (publisher: place): Verlag "Die Ordens-Sammlung": Berlin (Germany)


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Title: Lo stemma di Torino
(in English: The Arms of Turin)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Luisa Clotilde Gentile
Language: Italian
Source title: Su emblemi e vessilli: Raccolta di scritti in onore di Aldo Ziggioto [b2m02]
Source number (date): (2002.11)
Source pages: 15-20 (+1 pl.)


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [gmc17]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [wyl19]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [gsh34]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [gsh34]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [kng46]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [kng49]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [kng51]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [stf54]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [aik59]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [u9s61]


Missing info! (9)
Title: The Puffin Book of flags
Medium: book
Main author(s): J. C. G. George
Language: English
Remarks: Reviewed in Flag Institute Bulletin [fib] 4: NB1.


Missing info! (2)
Title: The Heraldry, conservation and restoration of flags
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): R. Gerard
Language: English
Source title: South African Museums Association Bulletin
Source number (date): IV:8 (1948.12)
Source pages: (11)
Source edition (publisher: place): Transvaal Museum: Pretoria (South Africa)


Missing info! (3)
Title: Heráldica, banderas y uniformes de la Capitanía General de Guatemala en los siglos 16, 19
(in English: Heraldry, flags and uniforms of the General Captaincy of Guatemala in the 16th-19th centuries)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Gerard, Raould
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Anales de la Sociedad de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala
Source number (date): 24 (1949)
Source pages: 226-242
Source edition (publisher: place): Sociedad de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala: (unknown location) (Guatemala)


Missing info! (1)
Title: The Heraldry, conservation and restoration of flags
Medium: book
Main author(s): R. Gerard
Edition (publisher: place): Transvaal Museum: Pretoria (South Africa)
Language: English
Edition date: 1949 (2nd ed.)
Previous edition: [ger48]
Catalogue codes: 929.9
Pages: 11
Format: 23 cm
Remarks: article reprint


Title: Flags over South Africa
Medium: book
Main author(s): R. Gerard
Edition (publisher: place): Pretoria Technical College: Pretoria (South Africa)
Language: English
Edition date: 1952 (1st ed.)
Pages: 55
Format: 25×19 cm

Remarks: 49 ills.

This and [ger52a] appear to be parallel editions, not translations.
Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg, 07 Nov 2007


Missing info! (1)
Title: Vlae oor Suid-Afrika
Medium: book
Main author(s): R. Gerard
Edition (publisher: place): Pretoriase Tegniese Kollege: Pretoria (South Africa)
Language: Afrikaans
Edition date: 1952 (1st ed.)
Catalogue codes: 929.9
Pages: 55
Format: 25 cm

This and [ger52a] appear to be parallel editions, not translations.
Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg, 07 Nov 2007


Missing info! (4)
Title: Flottez, Drapeaux!
(in English: Fly, flags!)
Medium: book
Main author(s): E. A. Gessler
Edition (publisher: place): Editions Fraumunster: Zürich (Switzerland)
Language: French
Edition date: 1943


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [d9e14]


Missing info! (6)
Title: The Union Jack
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Emanuel Green
Language: English
Source title: Archaelogical Journal
Source number (date): (1891.12)


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Title: Siegel und Wappen der Stadt Wien
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Rudolf Geyer
Language: German (High)
Source title: Wiener Geschichtsblätter
Source number (date): NF 1: 2 (1946)
Source edition (publisher: place): Verein für Geschichte der Stadt Wien: Wien (Austria)


Missing info! (2)
Title: Especificaciones técnicas de la bandera de Sevilla
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Francisco Manuel García Farrán
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 62 (1997)


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [neu39]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [neu92]


Unused entry: Please refer to author Giuseppe Goffredo.


Missing info! (2)
Title: Private Signals of the merchants of New York and San Francisco
Medium: chart
Main author(s): Charles B. Gifford
Edition (publisher: place): Louis Nagel: San Francisco (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1858
Catalogue codes: Unit ID: BANC PIC 1963.002:1492—FR
Format: 111,5×76.8 cm
Remarks: Images of 127 signal flags with merchants identified below. Available on line.


Missing info! (3)
Title: Flags national and mercantile
Medium: book
Main author(s): James Griffin
Edition (publisher: place): Griffin: Portsmouth (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1883
Pages: 21 + 15 pl.
Remarks: Listed in [brz75] as #63.


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [tfb90]


Missing info! (2)
Title: Los cuerpos francos alemanes
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Juan Gual Fournier
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 77 (2000)


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Title: Creación de un señor de pendón y caldera en la batalla de Nájera
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Juan Gual Fournier
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 74 (2000)


Missing info! (2)
Title: Irlandeses en la Guerra de España
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Juan Gual Fournier
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 81 (2001)


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Title: Algunas banderas en las obras de Sorolla
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Juan Gual Fournier
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 78 (2001)
Remarks: 15th Spanish Vexillology Congress


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Title: Los clásicos: referencias vexilológicas de “El Cantar de Roldán”
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Juan Gual Fournier
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 85 (2002)


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Title: “La Araucana” de Alonso de Ercilla
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Juan Gual Fournier
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 91 (2004)


Missing info! (2)
Title: El guión de los Veteranos de Montaña de Alemania
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Juan Gual Fournier
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 92 (2004)


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Title: El “chinesco”, un vexiloide alemán
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Juan Gual Fournier
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 90 (2004)


Missing info! (3)
Title: La cavalleria di linea italica 1796-1814: Storia, uniformi, bandiere
Medium: book
Main author(s): G. Galliani
Secondary author(s): G. B. Parisini (G. B. Parisini?); G. M. Rocchiero
Edition (publisher: place): Interconair: Genova (Italy)
Language: Italian
Edition date: 1973
Pages: 64
Format: 30 cm
Remarks: Intyrama, 12. Bibliography: p. 64.


Unused entry: Please refer to author Gilbert Grosvenor.


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [d9e09]


Unused entry: Please refer to author Anamaria Georgescu.


Title: Flags, their design and use
Medium: book
Main author(s): E. G. Godfrey-Fausset
Edition (publisher: place): Pearson: London (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1933 (no edition specified; presumably first)
Pages: 111
Format: 185×120 mm


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Title: False colours in the law of naval warfare
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Chris Griggs
Language: English
Source title: New Zealand Armed Forces law review
Source number (date): October (2003)
Source pages: 5-10


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [g2g92]


Title: Flags of the captive nations now within the Soviet Union: Armenia
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): G. Grahl
Language: English
Source title: The Flag Bulletin [tfb]
Source number (date): I-1 (1961)
Source pages: 2


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [g2c83]


Unused entry: Please refer to author Giovanna Granati.

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Anything below the following line isnt part of the Flags of the World Website and was added by the hoster of this mirror.

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