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Hungary - Historical Flags (Overview)

Last modified: 2023-06-03 by zachary harden
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I have seen a film on the m1 TV an hour ago about the Hungarian historical flags. Some informations:
You can see the original historical flags in the Mathias Church in the Buda Castle, and on the national holidays. You can see another copies about them in the Calvinist Church in Szabadság tér (Budapest). The owner of the flags (more historical flags) is the Hungarian Institut & Museum of Military History (Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum) <>.
The tricolour was used first in 1801 by Joseph, Palatine of Hungary.
The tricolour is used from 1830s. The ratio 2:1 Maybe this is the official version?!
István Molnár, 28 November 2000

Cisleithania is on "this side of Leitha river" being the Austrian part of Habsburg (Austro-Hungarian) Empire, and Transleithan was the Hungarian part (with Croatia of course) of the dual Monarchy.
Željko Heimer and István Molnár, 9 January 2001

Historical Flags on Hungarian Stamps

I found some stamps On which there are the following flags:
- Flag of the Árpád-House (11th century)
- Flag of the Hunyadi's (Governor John Hunyadi and his son King Mathias Corvinus,15th century)
- Flag of the Reigning Prince of Transylvania, Gábor (Gabriel) Bethlen from 1600
- Flag of the Reigning Prince of Transylvania and the "Commanding Prince" of Hungary Ferenc (Francis) Rákóczi II.,
- Military flag from 1848-49
- Flag of the Red Regiment of Csepel from 1919
István Molnár, 23 November 2000

Stamp series is described as follows in the Yvert-et-Tellier stamp catalogue (vol. 4: Eastern Europe):
Historical flags - Polychromatic - Perforated 12 (i.e. 12 perforations /2 cm)
YT 2745 - 40 filler - Arpadian dynasty, XIth century
YT 2755 - 60 filler - Hunyadi family, XVth century
YT 2756 - 1 forint - Gabor Bethlen, 1600
YT 2757 - 2 forint - Ferenc Rakoczi II, 1706
YT 2758 - 4 forint - "Honved" of the Hungarian Army, 1848-1849
Yt 2759 - 6 forint - 1919 Troops.
Ivan Sache, 25 November 2000

Those stamps were printed In 1981
István Molnár, 25 November 2000

See also: Historical Coat of Arms on Hungarian Stamps

Historical Flag Line in the "Hazatérés" Reformed Church

I was in the "HAZATÉRÉS" (Coming Home) Reformed Church in the Szabadság (Freedom) Square in Budapest and I have seen the copies of the historical Hungarian flags. In the church there are these flags:
- Flag of Saint Stephen (the first Hungarian king)
- Flag of the Árpád Dynasty - the red-white stripes
- Flag of the Árpád Dynasty - the silver cross on the green hills in the red field
- Flag of the Anjou Dynasty
- Flag of Regent János Hunyadi
- Flag of King Mathias Corvinus
- Flag of the Black Army - King Mathias' Army
- Flag of the Dózsa's peasant rising - crusader flag
- Flag of Bocskai - prince of Transylvania, King of Hungary
- Flag of Gabriel Bethlen - prince of Transylvania
- Flag of Nicolaus Zrínyi - lord in Hungary 
- Flag of Thököly - Prince of Upper-Hungary
- Flag of Rákóczi - leader of the war independence, Prince of Transylvania and Hungary
- Flag of the Rákóczi's cavalries
- Flag from 1848
- Memorial flag of the Revolution of 1956
- Hungarian flag with Coat of Arms (Calvinist version- I use the word Calvinist, but it seems, the Reformed is the official version)
- Flag of the Hungarian Reformed Church
You can see photos of the flags at István Molnár's Hungarian Historical Flag Line in the "Hazatérés" Reformed Church.
István Molnár, 29 November 2000

Overview of the History of Hungary Since 1848

15.03.1848 - The day of the revolution

11.04.1848 - 19.04.1849 - KINGDOM OF HUNGARY PART OF THE HABSBURG EMPIRE, HEAD OF THE STATE IS KING FERDINÁND V. (see: Austrohungarian Empire)

19.04.1849 - 11.08.1849 KINGDOM OF HUNGARY INDEPENDENT STATE, HEAD OF THE STATE IS LAJOS KOSSUTH, GOVERNOR. (see: Hungary - Historical Flags (1848))


13.08.1849 Surrender at Világos by general Görgey

27.09.1849 Surrender of Fort Komárom

13.08.1849 - 28.07.1867 KINGDOM OF HUNGARY OCCUPIED, ANNEXED AND DIVIDED BY AUSTRIA (see: Austrohungarian Empire)

24.10.1849 Disannexation of Croatia and Transylvania from Hungary, and partitioning of Hungary to 15 military districts, removing the counties. Croatia (1849-1868) Transylvania (1849-1868) and Hungary became new provinces of Austria (Habsburg Empire).

18.11.1849 Creating a new province from the territory of Hungary: "The Governorate of Temesch and Serbian Vojvodina" (1849- 1860) (In Hungarian: Temesi Bánság és Szerb Vajdaság)

13.09.1850. Partitioning of the territory of Hungary (province). The new territories are Pressburg, Kaschau, Grosswardein, Pest-Ofen, Ödenburg.

19.04.1860 The end of the partitioning of Hungary into 5 territories.

27.12.1860 The territory of the Governorate of Temesh and Serbian Vojvodina is reunited with Hungary

27.01.1861 The Muraköz/Medzimurje region is reunited to Hungary from Croatia.

06.04.1861-22.08.1861 The first Parliament after the war of independence

05.11.1861 - 08.06.1865 Military administration in Hungary

14.12.1865-10.12.1868 The second Parliament after the war of independence

08.06.1867 Coronation of Francis-Joseph, emperor of Austria as king of Hungary.

28.07.1867 The day of the Compromise of 1867. The Kingdom of Hungary and the Empire of Austria become the parts of the Monarchy of Austria- Hungary. The head of the state is Francis-Joseph I. Emperor of Austria and "The Apostolic King Of The Kingdom Of Hungary"

28.07.1867 - 16.11.1918 KINGDOM OF HUNGARY, PART OF THE MONARCHY, THE HEAD OF THE STATE KING FRANCIS-JOSEPH I. (28.07.1867-21.11.1916) AND KING CHARLES IV. (21.11.1916-01.11.1918)

14.11.1868 The order of the king about the name of the monarchy: Monarchy of Austria-Hungary or Austrian-Hungarian Empire. (see: Austrohungarian Empire)

17.11.1868 The compromise between Hungary and Croatia. Croatia become the part of the Kingdom of Hungary with self-government.

06.12.1868 The reunion with Transylvania.

28.07.1870 Fiume is united to Hungary (Fiume didn't become a part of Croatia)

1870-1872 The Military borderlands is reunited to Croatia and to Hungary (These territories became the territories of the later Serbian Krajinas (1991-1995), except the territories which are nowadays parts of Yugoslavia and Rumania)

02.04.1876 Administrative reform. Redrawing the county borders in Transylvania. The end of the King's Land (territory of the Transylvanian Saxon Selfgoverment)

19.06.1876. Redrawing the county borders. The end of the not county territories (Szekely-Land, Saxon Land, 16 cities of Szepes, Great and Little Cumania, Jazygen, Hajdú district)

12.05.1913 Island of Ada-Kaleh is annexed to Hungary

28.07.1914 Declaration of War between Serbia and Austria-Hungary

05.08.1914 Declaration of War between Russia and Austria-Hungary

12.08.1914 Declaration of War between France/Great-Britain and Austria-Hungary

23.05.1915 Declaration of War between Italy and Austria-Hungary

27.08.1916 Declaration of war between Rumania nd Austria-Hungary. Rumania occupy South-East Transylvania

21.11.1916 The death of King Francis-Joseph I. The new king is Charles IV. (Charles I. in Austria)

06.12.1916 Germany and Austria-Hungary occupy Bucharest

06.04.1917 Declaration of War between the USA and Austria-Hungary.

09.02.1918 Peace-treaty between Ukraine and Austria-Hungary

03.03.1918 Peace-treaty between Soviet-Russia and Austria-Hungary

07.05.1918 Peace-treaty between Romania and Austria-Hungary. Hungary annexed the borderlands (5-20 kms)

29.10.1918 Declaration of the independent Croatia and the new union (Serb-Croatian-Slovenian state)

30.10.1918 Declaration of the Slovakian National Council about the union of the Slovakian territories with Czechia

31.10.1918 Revolution in Budapest.


03.11.1918 Armistice between the Allies and Austria-Hungary

04.11.1918 Declaration of the city council about the union between Fiume and Italy

05.11.1918 Undeclared war between Serbia and Hungary. On 09.11.1918 Serbia occupy Újvidék (Novi Sad)

08.11.1918 Undeclared war between Czechoslovakia and Hungary

13.11.1918 Armistice between the Allies and Hungary. The ceasefire line is the Marosvásárhely-Szeged-Baja-Pécs line.

16.11.1918. - 20.03.1919. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY, INDEPENDENT, THE HEAD OF THE STATE: THE GOVERNMENT AND THE PRIME MINISTER MIHÁLY KÁROLYI (16.11.1918 - 01.11.1919), PRESIDENT MIHÁLY KÁROLYI (01.11.1919 - 20.03.1919) (see: Hungary - historical flags (1867-1945))

25.11.1918 Declaration of the National Assembly of the Slavs in Újvidék/Novi Sad about the secession of the southern counties.

01.12.1918. Declaration of the National Assembly of Rumanians in Gyulafehérvár/Alba Iulia about the union of Transylvania and Rumania.

02.12.1918 The Rumanian Army occupies Marosvásárhely/Targu Mures

22.12.1918 Declaration of the National Assembly of the Hungarians of Transylvania in Kolozsvár /Cluj/ about the belonging to Hungary

23.12.1918 New case-fire line between Czechoslovakia and Hungary. The line is the Danube River, Ipoly River and the Rimaszombat-Ungvár/Rim. Sobota-Uzhgorod line

23.12.1918 10th Act about the AUTONOMOUS RUSKA-KRAJNA

24.12.1918 The Rumanian Army occupies Kolozsvár beyond the case-fire line

25.12.1918 The Serbian Army occupies the Muraköz Region beyond the case-fire line

The Czechoslovakian Army occupies Eperjes/Presov 26.12.1918), Kassa /Kosice (29.12.1918) and Pozsony /Bratislava (01.01.1919)

30.12.1918 The French Army occupies Szeged

08.01.1919 Declaration of the Saxonian National Assembly in Medgyes /Medias/ about the union of Transylvania and Rumania

11.01.1919 The head of the state: President Mihály Károlyi

12.03.1919 19th Act about the autonomous SLOVENSKA KRAJNA /de facto Czechoslovakia/

20.03.1919 The note of the Allies about the new Hungarian-Rumanian case-fire line: Szatmárnémeti /Satu Mare/ - Nagykároly /Carei/ - Nagyszalonta /Salonta/ - Arad


16.04.1919 The Rumanian Army starts an attack across the case-fire line

The Rumanian Army occupies Szatmárnémeti (19.04.1919), Nagyvárad /Oradea/, 20.04.1919), Debrecen (23.04.1919), Nyíregyháza (27.04.1919)

27.04.1919 The Czechoslovakian Army starts an attack

30.04.1919 The Rumanian Army arrives to the Tisza River

02.05.1919 The Czechoslovakian Army occupies Miskolc

08.05.1919 The national councils of the Ruthenians join to Czechoslovakia

09.05.1919. The beginning of the counter-attack of the Hungarian Red Army

The HRA reoccupies Miskolc (22.05.1919 ), Kassa (06.06.1919), Eperjes (09.06.1919)

13.06.1919 The indication of the new borders of Hungary by the Peace Congress

16.06.1919 Proclamation of the SLOVAK SOVIET REPUBLIC in Eperjes /Presov/

23.06.1919 Passing the Constitution of the HUNGARIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC

23.06.1919 Armistice between Czechoslovakia and Hungary

07.07.1919 The Czechoslovakian Army reoccupies Kassa /Kosice/

20.07.1919 The Hungarian Red Army starts an attack at the Tisza River

24.07.1919. The beginning of the counter-attack of the Rumanian Army at the Tisza River

01.08.1919 Resignation of the Revolutionary Governing Soviet


04.08.1919 The Rumanian Army occupies Budapest

07.08.1919 - 23.08.1919 the head of the state: József Habsburg regent

16.11.1919 Withdrawal of the Rumanian Army from Budapest and the Tiszántúl (territory between the Danube and Tisza Rivers)

16.11.1919 The Hungarian "National Army" marches in Budapest

27.02.1920 - 01.02.1946 KINGDOM OF HUNGARY, INDEPENDENT STATE, THE HEAD OF THE STATE IS REGENT MIKLÓS HORTHY (01.03.1920 - 16.10.1944), FERENC SZÁLASI, THE LEADER OF THE NATION (16.10.1944 - 29.03.1944), THE PRESIDIUM OF THE PROVISIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE NATION (21.12.1944 - 26.01.1945), THE NATIONAL SUPREME COUNCIL (26.01.1945 - 01.02.1946) (see: Hungary - historical flags (1867-1945))

03.30.1920 Withdrawal of the Rumanian Army from the Tiszántúl Region (territory between the new border and the Tisza River)

04.06.1920 The Treaty of Trianon between the Allies and Hungary. Hungary loses more than 2/3 part of its territory before the war. The North to Czechoslovakia, the East to Rumania, the South to Serbia and the West to Austria

26.03.1921 - 05.04.1921 The first putsch of King Charles IV.

14.08.1921 Proclamation of the BARANYA-BAJA SERB-HUNGARIAN REPUBLIC /in the occupied territory of Baranya and Bacska/. The republic is part of Yugoslavia

21.08.1921 - 25.08.1921 Hungary reoccupies Baranya to the new borders.

03.10.1921 The beginning of the annexation of West-Hungary by Austria

04.10.1921 Proclamaton of the "LAJTA BÁNSÁG" in West-Hungary

20.10.1921 - 26.10.1921 The second putsch of King Charles IV.

15.11.1921 - 30.11.1921 Annexation of West-Hungary by Austria except Sopron and envirouns

14.11.1921 - 16.11.1921 The Referendum in Sopron and envirouns. Sopron returns to Hungary

1922 - 1924 Some villages return to Hungary (2 from Czechoslovakia, others from Austria)

02.11.1938 The First Decision of Vienna. Return of the Hungarian inhabited South-Sovakia to Hungary

13.11.1938 Union of the Slovakian Returned territories and Hungary

14.03.1939 Proclamation of the REPUBLIC OF RUTHENIA.

15.03.1939 Hungary occupies Ruthenia.

23.06.1939 6th Act about the reunion of Ruthenia and Hungary. Ruthenia is an Autonomous Territory

30.08.1940 The Second Decision of Vienna. Return of North-Transylvania to Hungary

06.04.1941 Undeclared war between Germany/Italy and Yugoslavia/Greece

11.04.1941 The Hungarian Army attacks Yugoslavia and occupies the Bacska, South Baranya, Muraköz and Muravidék Regions (Bacska now is in Vojvodina, South Baranya and the Muraköz is in Croatia and Muravidék is in Slovenia)

22.06.1941 Undeclared war between Germany and the Soviet Union

26.06.1941 Declaration of war between Hungary and the Soviet Union

07.12.1941 Declaration of war between Great Britain and Hungary

08.12.1941 Declaration of war between New Zealand/Canada/Australia/South Africa and Hungary

12.12.1941 Declaration of war between Hungary and the USA

31.12.1941 20th Act about the reunion of the reannexed southern territories

19.03.1944. Germany occupies Hungary

23.08.1944 Armistice between the Soviet Union and Rumania

26.08.1944 Declaration of war between Rumania and Hungary

25.08.1944 - 13.04.1945 The WWII on the territory of Hungary

08.10.1944 The Soviet Red Army arrives to the Tisza River

15.10.1944 Proclamation of Regent Horthy about the armistice with the Soviet Union

16.10.1944 Putsch in Budapest, resignaton of Regent Horthy. The head of the state Ferenc Szálasi "leader of the nation" /like führer/


21.12.1944 Provisional Assembly of the Nation in Debrecen (under Russian occupation), the head of the state The Presidium of the Provisional Assembly of the Nation

26.12.1944 - 13.02.1945 Siege of Budapest

28.12.1944 Declaration of war Between Hungary and Germany by the Provisional Assembly of the Nation

20.01.1945 Armistice between the Allies and Hungary. Hungary loses the territories obtained after 1937.

26.01.1945 The head of the state: The National Supreme Council

01.02.1946 - 20.08.1949 REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY, HEAD OF THE STATE: PRESIDENT ZOLTÁN TILDY (01.02.1946 - 03.08.1948), PRESIDENT ÁRPÁD SZAKASITS (03.08.1948 - 20.08.1949)

10.02.1947 The Treaty of Paris. Hungary loses the territories obtained after 1937 and three other villages near to Bratislava

20.08.1949 - 23.10.1989 HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC, COMMUNIST STATE, THE HEAD OF THE STATE : THE PRESIDENTAL SOVIET [de facto the leader of the comunist party] (see: Hungary - Historical Flags (1946-1989))

22.10.1956 The Soviet Army in Transcarpathia begins to come into Hungary [Hungary is under Soviet occupation from 1944]

23.10.1956 - 04.10.1956 Revolution and War of Independence in Hungary (see: Hungary - Historical Flags (1946-1989))


16.06.1990 The last Soviet soldier leaves the territory of Hungary

Sources: Magyarország történeti kronológiája III. 1848-1944, Budapest 1982 and Magyarország történeti kronológiája IV. 1944-1970, Budapest 1982

István Molnár, 11 November 2000

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