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Zadar County (Croatia)

Zadarska županija

Last modified: 2023-03-25 by rob raeside
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[County flag] image by Željko Heimer, 23 October 2013

See also:

Presentation of Zadar County

Zadar County, situated in northern Dalmatia, was made by the partial territorial reorganization of Croatia on 1 January 1997, from the former Zadar-Knin County (Zadarsko-kninska županija), by excluding from it some parts that more naturally belong to Šibenik surroundings. The former County did not adopt either a flag or a coat of arms.

Željko Heimer, 8 January 1999

Flag of Zadar County

The symbols of Zadar County are prescribed by Decision Odluka o grbu i zastavi Zadarske županije, adopted on 18 June 1998 by the County Assembly and published on 30 June 1998 in the County official gazette Službeni glasnik Zadarske županije, No. 3. Decision Odluka o izmjenama i dopunama Odluke o grbu i zastavi Zadarske županije, adopted on 22 December 1998 and published on 29 March 1999 in Službeni glasnik Zadarske županije, No. 2, changed some procedural and penal prescriptions and the rules for concurrent display with the State and local flags. Decision Odluka o odobrenju isticanja zastave Zadarske županije Gradskoj knjižnici Zadar, adopted on 2 July 1999 and published on 23 July 1999 in Službeni glasnik Zadarske županije, No. 5, granted the right to hoist the municipal flag to the Zadar public library.

Decision Odluka kojom se po provedenom natječaju za izradu likovnog rješenja grba i zastave Zadarske županije bira likovno rješenje, adopted on 18 June 1998 and published on 30 June 1998 in Službeni glasnik Zadarske županije, No. 3, states that the Couny Assembly adopted the proposal submitted by Bojan Livaković, an architect from Zagreb, under the pseudonym of "GRBovac". Decision Odluka kojom se po provedenom natječaju za izradu likovnog rješenja grba i zastave Zadarske županije dodjeljuju nagrade, adopted on 18 June 1998 and published on 30 June 1998 in Službeni glasnik Zadarske županije, No. 3, awards the first prize to Livaković, the second prize to Ljubomir Urlić ("91179") and the third prize to Ana Martičevi ("Herald").
The Commission in charge of the public contest was established by Decision Rješenje o osnivanju i imenovanju predsjednika, članova i tajnika Komisije za provedbu natječaja za izradu grba i zatave Županije Zadarsko-kninske, adopted on 15 December 1995 and published in April 1996 in Službeni glasnik Županije zadarsko-kninske, No. 3. The Commission, chaired by Pr. Julije Derossi, was made of Pr. Nikola Jakšić, Pr. Miljenko Domjan, Pr. Radomir Jurić, Bernardin Škunca, Pr. Eduard Peričić, Alojz Pavlović and Dr. Petar Kragić. This Decision superseded Decision Odluka o osnivanju i imenovanju Komisije za provedbu natječaja za izradu grba i zastave Županije Zadarsko-kninske, adopted on 22 October 1993 but not published in any official gazette. The Commission membership's was modified by the subsequent Decisions Rješenje o razriješenju člana Komisije za provedbu natječaja za izradu grba i zastave Županije Zadarsko-kninske and Rješenje o imenovanju člana Komisije za provedbu natječaja za izradu grba i zastave Županije Zadarsko-kninske, both adopted on 22 March 1996 and published in June 1996 in Službeni glasnik Županije zadarsko-kninske, No. 4. Jakšić and Domjan left the Commission on their own request, while Dr. Miroslav Granić, Chair of the History Department at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar was named.
Decision Zaključak o prihvaćanju prijedloga Komisije za provedbu natječaja za izradu grba i zastave Županije Zadarsko-kninske concluded not to adopt any design from a former contest. Decision Zaključak o ovlašćivanju Komisije za provedbu natječaja za izradu grba i zastave Županije Zadarsko-kninske da raspiše natječaj za likovno rješenje grba i zastave Županije Zadarsko-kninske prescribed a new contest. Decision Zaključak o određivanju nagrada za likovno rješenje grba i zastave Županije Zadarsko-kninske prescribed the prizes awarded to the winners of the contest (12,000 HRK for the first prize, 6,000 HRK for the second prize and 3,000 HRK for the third prize). These three Decisions were adopted on 22 March 1996 and published in June 1996 in Službeni glasnik Županije zadarsko-kninske, No. 4.

The symbols are described in Article 6 of the County Statutes Statut Zadarske županije, adopted on 15 March 2002 and published on 18 March 2002 in Službeni glasnik Zadarske županije, No. 3. This is repeated in Article 6 of the new Statutes Statut Zadarske županije, adopted on 17 July 2009 and published the same day in Službeni glasnik Zadarske županije, No. 15, now explicitly stating that it is the duty of the County Assembly to adopt the Decision on the use of the coat of arms and the flag, changing "by a particular Decision" for "by a particular Decision of the Assembly".

The flag is prescribed in Article 7 of the Decision as follows:

The flag of the Zadar County is rectangular, with proportions 1:2 and the hoist along the shorter side. The flag is of two colours in equal ratio of colours, divided with a wavy cut, the top white and the bottom blue. In the middle of the flag is the yellow-golden bordered coat of arms of the County, 2/3 of the shorter flag's side high.

Željko Heimer, 11 October 2011

Coat of arms of Zadar County

[County coat of arms] image by Željko Heimer, 23 October 2013

The coat of arms of Zadar County is prescribed in Article 5 of the Decision as follows:

The coat of arms of the County has a shield shape. The shield of arms is divided into two fields. In the blue lower field is the silver/white True Cross church, and in the top, chief, in silver/white field a green olive branch with golden/yellow fruits. The line edging the shield and its elements as well as the parts is black.

The church of the True Cross was built in the 9th century in Nin, today a small town north of Zadar, in old Croatian pre-Romanesque style. In Nin was established in 864 AD the first Diocese on the territory under Croatian rulers. The olive branch represents not only one of the traditional products of the region, but also peace.

Željko Heimer, 11 October 2011

Ceremonial flag of Zadar County

[County ceremonial flag] image by Željko Heimer, 23 October 2013

The unofficial vertical flag (gonfanon) of the County, used as a ceremonial flag, has tails at the lower end.

Željko Heimer, 18 January 1999

Table flag of Zadar County

[Table flag] image by Željko Heimer, 23 October 2013

The table flag is a vertical flag of the same design as the regular flag, rotating 90 degrees both the stripes and the coat of arms, with a yellow border all around. The coat of arms appears to be slightly larger than on the regular flag. The waves are "inverted", the blue stripes having peaks at the hoist and fly.

Željko Heimer, 23 October 2013

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