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Bibliography (codes [sux] to [svz])

Last modified: 2013-12-02 by antónio martins
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Unused entry: Please refer to author M. Sturdza.


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Title: Dalarnas vapenbok
Medium: book
Main author(s): Svante Svärdström
Edition (publisher: place): Kopparbergs läns Sparbank: Falun (Sweden)
Language: Swedish
Edition date: 1951
Pages: 148


Title: Czech municipal and civic flags
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: English
Source title: Vexilokontakt : Česká vexilologická ročenka [vxk]
Source number (date): sp. iss. (“Flags over Czech towns”) (2000)
Source pages: 6-16


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Title: Ceskoslovenské vojenské prapory za druhé svetové války
(in English: Czechoslovak military colours in the Second World War)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: Czech
Source title: Sborník prednášek z 2. Českého národního vexilologického kongresu, Ústí nad Labem 8.-10.9.2000 [cnv01]
Source number (date): (2001)
Source pages: 113-123
Remarks: with abridged version in German


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Title: Náš Základní Symbol — Klubová Vlajka
(in English: The Club Flag - Our Main Symbol)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: Czech
Source title: Vexilologie [vex]
Source number (date): 123 (2002)
Source pages: 3 (?)
Remarks: Available on line.


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Title: Vexilologické názvosloví
Medium: book
Main author(s): Zbyšek Svoboda
Edition (publisher: place): Jílové u Prahy: Praha (Czechia)
Language: Czech
Edition date: 1972


Title: Českolovenská vlajka
(in English: The Chechoslovak flag)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): PhDr. Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: Czech
Source title: Vexilologie [vex]
Source number (date): 1-3 (1972.09)
Source pages: 81-83
Remarks: Available on line.


Title: Českolovenská Presidentská standardta
(in English: Czechoslovak Presidential standard)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): PhDr. Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: Czech
Source title: Vexilologie [vex]
Source number (date): 13 (1974.09)
Source pages: 127-131
Remarks: Available on line.


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Title: Polemika: Na obranu vexilologů a vexilologie vůbec?
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Dr. Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: Czech
Source title: Vexilologie [vex]
Source number (date): 11 (1974.04)
Source pages: 111-114
Remarks: Available on line.


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Title: Vznik vlajky našeho klubu
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): PhDr. Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: Czech
Source title: Vexilologie [vex]
Source number (date): 20 (1976.09)
Source pages: 264-266, 268-271, (fig.) 268-273
Remarks: Available on line.


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Title: Vznik československé státní vlajky
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: Czech
Source title: Vexilologie [vex]
Source number (date): 36 (1980)


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Title: Státní vlajka a státní znak
(in English: State flag and state emblem)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: Czech
Source title: Svět v obrazech
Source number (date): 44 (1988)


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Title: Ceskoslovenska statni a vojenska symbolika
Medium: book
Main author(s): Zbyšek Svoboda
Edition (publisher: place): Federalni: (unknown location) (Czechia)
Language: Czech
Edition date: 1991
Pages: 84


Title: Origin of the Czechoslovakia’s state flag
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Zbyšek Svoboda
Language: English
Source title: Vexilokontakt : Česká vexilologická ročenka [vxk]
Source number (date): sp. iss. (“Against all!”) (1998)
Source pages: 10-16


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Title: Riksvåpnet på norske mynter 1906-1908: En dokumentasjon
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Carsten Svarstad
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Nordisk numismatisk unions medlemsblad
Source number (date): (1945)
Source pages: 53-57


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [s9e13]


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Title: Det Samiske Flagget
(in English: The Saami flag)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Juhls Silver
Edition (publisher: place): (Norway)
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)


Title: До питання про шляхетство і герб родини Захер-Мазохів | Do pitannâ pro ŝlâqetstvo ị gerb rodini Zaqer-Mazoqịv
(in English: Problem about Nobility and Emblem of the Family of Zakher-Mazokh)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Галина Сварник | Galina Svarnik
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 25 (2001.12)
Source pages: 8-9


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Title: Slovenska znamenja
Medium: book
Main author(s): Jozko Savli
Edition (publisher: place): Studio Ro, Zalozba Humar: Gorica-Bilje (Slovenia)
Language: Slovene
Edition date: 1994
Pages: 407
Format: 24 cm
Remarks: N68 in [brz96b].


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Title: SAVA Journal
Medium: periodical
Edition (publisher: place): South African Vexillological Association (SAVA) (South Africa)
Language: English
Publishing dates: 1992-
Frequency: 1 issue per annum


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Title: Геральдичні й сфрагістичні праці у фонді Крайового археологічного товариства у Львові (1870-1887) | Geralhdiĉnị ĭ sfragịstiĉnị pracị u fondị Kraĭovogo arqeologịĉnogo tovaristva u Lhvovị (1870-1887)
(in English: Heraldic and Sphragistic Works in the Collection of the Regional Archaeological Society in Lviv (1870-1887))
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Иван Сварник | Ivan Svarnik
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 22 (2000.09)
Source pages: 6-7 (?)


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(in English: The Pyatka Town Seal)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Иван Сварник | Ivan Svarnik
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Mista ta mistechka v gerbakh, praporakh i pechatkakh. Towns & Cities: Arms, Flags and Seals [gyl03]
Source number (date): (2003)
Source pages: 245-250
Remarks: English summary.


Title: Сучасна символіка громадських організацій | Suĉasna simvolịka gromadshkiq organịzacịĭ
(in English: Modern Symbols of the Public Organizations)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Иван Сварник | Ivan Svarnik
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 1 (1993.05)
Source pages: 6


Title: Символіка сіл Гуцульщини | Simvolịka sịl Guculhxini
(in English: Symbols of the Villages of the Hutsulshchyna Region)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Иван Сварник | Ivan Svarnik
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 3 (1993.08)
Source pages: 5


Title: Головна Руська Рада і українська символіка | Golovna Rushka Rada ị ukraị̈nshka simvolịka
(in English: The Main Ruthenian Council and Ukrainian Symbols)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Иван Сварник | Ivan Svarnik
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 16 (1998.06)
Source pages: 3


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Title: Il nome della cosa — Insegne rionali e di “Società del Popolo” nel Medioevo italiano
(in English: The Name of the Object — Symbols of city districts and of the “People’s Society” in the Italian Middle Ages)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Alessandro Savorelli
Language: Italian
Source title: Su emblemi e vessilli: Raccolta di scritti in onore di Aldo Ziggioto [b2m02]
Source number (date): (2002.11)
Source pages: 20


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Title: Bandiere e protoaraldica. Alle origini della leggenda della «bella insegna» del marchese Ugo di Tuscia
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): A. Savorelli
Language: Italian
Source title: Vexilla Italica [vxi]
Source number (date): 53 (2002)


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Title: Bandiere medievali polacche e prussiane nelle opere di Jan Długosz
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): A. Savorelli
Language: Italian
Source title: Vexilla Italica [vxi]
Source number (date): 59 (2005)
Remarks: About [dug48]. With 2 color plates.


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Title: Il Palio di Siena e i suoi Simboli
Medium: book
Main author(s): Alessandro Savorelli
Edition (publisher: place): La Mandragora: Firenze (Italy)
Language: Italian
Edition date: 1999
Pages: 144


Title: Armorial des Provinces et des Communes de Belgique
(in English: Armorial of the Provinces and Municipalities of Belgium)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Max Servais
Edition (publisher: place): Crédit Communal de Belgique / Gemeentekrediet van België: Bruxelles / Brussel (Belgium)
Language: French
Edition date: 1955 (1st ed.)
Previous edition: [svm55a]
Pages: 1041
Format: 305×240 mm
Remarks: Includes 4 plates and 138 pages of illustrations. 2,500 numbered prints. Published on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of Gemeentekrediet van België / Crédit Communal (1860-1955).


Title: Wapenboek van de Provinciën en Gemeenten van België
(in English: Armorial of the Provinces and Municipalities of Belgium)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Max Servais
Edition (publisher: place): Crédit Communal de Belgique / Gemeentekrediet van België: Bruxelles / Brussel (Belgium)
Language: Dutch
Edition date: 1955 (1st ed.)
Previous edition: [svm55]
Pages: 1080
Format: 305×240 mm
Remarks: Includes 4 plates and 138 pages of illustrations. 1,500 numbered prints. Published on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of Gemeentekrediet van België / Crédit Communal (1860-1955).

The French and Dutch versions were numbered separately: 1 till 1,500 Dutch and 1 till 2,500 French. Crédit Communal de Belgique merged in 1996 with Crédit Local de France to form Dexia, publishers of [w2v02] and [w2v02a].
Ivan Sache


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Medium: book
Main author(s): Max Servais
Edition (publisher: place): Crédit Communal de Belgique / Gemeentekrediet van België: Bruxelles / Brussel (Belgium)
Language: French
Edition date: 1969 (1st ed.)
Previous edition: [svm55]
Remarks: supplement to [svm55]


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Title: Wapenboek van de provinciën en gemeenten van België : Supplement 1955-1968
(in English: Armorial of the Provinces and Municipalities of Belgium : Supplement 1955-1968)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Max Servais
Edition (publisher: place): Crédit Communal de Belgique / Gemeentekrediet van België: Bruxelles / Brussel (Belgium)
Language: French
Edition date: 1969 (1st ed.)
Previous edition: [svm55a]
Pages: 490
Remarks: Supplement to [svm55a]. Printrun: 1000 copies. Cloth binding.


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Title: I Skjoldet springer Løver. Afledninger af Kongevåbenet
Medium: book
Main author(s): Erling Svane
Edition (publisher: place): Syddansk Universitetsforlag: Odense (Denmark)
Language: Danish
Edition date: 2002
Catalogue codes: ISBN 87-7838-663-2 = ISBN 978-87-7838-663-2
Pages: 188
Remarks: Series: University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences (255).


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Title: Det danske rigsvåben og kongevåben — udvikling og anvendelse
Medium: book
Main author(s): Erling Svane
Edition (publisher: place): Odense Universitetsforlag: Odense (Denmark)
Language: Danish
Edition date: 1994
Catalogue codes: ISBN 87-7492-915-1 = ISBN 978-87-7492-915-4
Pages: 192
Format: 24,5 cm
Remarks: Series “Odense University Studies in History and Social Sciences”. N86 in [brz96b]


Missing info! (4)
Title: Skandinavisk Vapenrulla
(in English: Scandinavian Roll of Arms)
Medium: periodical
Editor(s): Tor Flensmarck (ed.)
Edition (publisher: place): Skandinavisk Vapenrulla: Kristianstad (Sweden)
Languages: Swedish, Danish and Norwegian (Bokmål)
Publishing dates: 1963-
Remarks: Details at on line. Originally published in Malmö.


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [svm55]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [svm55a]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [svm69]


Missing info! (1)
Title: Les emblèmes des Forces armées belges
(in English: Emblems of the Belgian armed forces)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): A. Servais
Language: French
Source title: Beiträge, 8. Internationaler Kongress für Vexillologie, Wien, 25.-29. Juni 1979 [icv79]
Source number (date): (1979)
Source pages: 222-227


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Title: Nytt heraldiskt vapen för domstolsväsendet
(in English: New heraldic arms for The Swedish Judiciary)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Helen Sivertsson
Language: Swedish
Source title: Domkretsen
Source number (date): 1 (2003)
Source pages: 5
Remarks: Available on line.


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Title: Den nya heraldiska flaggan
(in English: The new heraldic flag)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Helen Sivertsson
Language: Swedish
Source title: Domkretsen
Source number (date): 3 (2003)
Source pages: 34
Remarks: new flag for The Swedish Judiciary. . Available on line.


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [srw03]


Title: Лєтять вуткі… | Lẹtâth vutkị…
(in English: The Ducks are Flying…)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Вячеслав Северинов | Vâĉeslav Severinov
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 6 (1994.07)
Source pages: 15
Remarks: Authorship under pseudonym.

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