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Bibliography (codes [lga] to [lhz])

Last modified: 2017-11-18 by antónio martins
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Title: Haderslev bispeembedes sigillum og stiftsvåbenskjold
(in English: The seal and arms of Haderslev diocese)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Olav C. Lindegaard
Language: Danish
Source title: Heraldisk tidsskrift [hts]
Source number (date): 55 (1987)
Source pages: 223-224


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Title: Fahnen und Flaggen: Zum 7. November 1940, dem 5. Jahrestag der ersten Hissung der neuen Reichskriegsflagge
(in English: Banners and flags: on the 7th November 1940, the 5th anniversary of the first hoisting of the new imperial war ensign)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): L. G.
Language: German (High)
Source title: Daheim
Source number (date): 77-6 (1940)
Source pages: 7
Source edition (publisher: place): Daheim-Expedition: Leipzig (Germany)


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Title: Die Fahnensammlung des Kantonalen Museums Altes Zeughaus in Solothurn
(in English: The flag collection of the Cantonal Museum of the Old Arsenal in Solothurn)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Marco A. R. Leutenegger
Language: German (High)
Source title: Fahnen Flags Drapeaux. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Vexillology, Zurich, 23-27 August 1993 [icv93]
Source number (date): (1999.09)
Source pages: 51-59


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [lgh66]


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Title: Armorial do Ultramar Português
(in English: Arms of Overseas Portugal)
Medium: book
Main author(s): F. P. de Almeida Langhans
Edition (publisher: place): Agência Geral das Colónias: Lisboa (Portugal)
Language: Portuguese
Edition date: 1966 (1st ed.)


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Title: As bandeiras da gravura de Rodrigo Stoop «O embarque de Dona Catarina, Raínha da Grã-Bretanha em 1662»
(in English: Flags on Rodrigo Stoop’s engraving «The 1662 embarking of Dona Catarina, Queen of Great Britain»)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): F. P. de Almeida Langhans
Language: Portuguese
Source title: Armas e Troféus [aet]
Source number (date): III:V (= 19) (1976)
Remarks: «Raínha» sic


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [lgr82]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [lgr95]


Title: Ausonia: il progetto segreto della Carboneria
(in English: Ausonia: the secret project of the Carboneria)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Pier Paolo Lugli
Language: Italian
Source title: Vexilla Italica [vxi]
Source number (date): XXXI (= 57) (2004)
Source pages: 3-5
Remarks: with color plate


Title: Usi della bandiera in Australia
(in English: Uses of the flag in Australia)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Pier Paolo Lugli
Language: Italian
Source title: Vexilla Italica [vxi]
Source number (date): XX:1 (= 33) (1993)
Source pages: 5-8


Title: Una bandiera ritrovata: gli usseri di requisizione a Modena (1797 — 1798)
(in English: A retrieved flag: the hussars of requisition at Modena (1797-1798))
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Pier Paolo Lugli
Language: Italian
Source title: Vexilla Italica [vxi]
Source number (date): XXIV:1 (= 41) (1997)
Source pages: 26-28


Title: Le insegne distintive di nazionalità delle forze aeree italiane
(in English: The national distinguishing signs of the Italian Air Force)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Pier Paolo Lugli
Language: Italian
Source title: Vexilla Italica [vxi]
Source number (date): XXV:1 (= 43) (1998)
Source pages: 9-15
Remarks: plus a colour plate


Title: Le insegne distintive di nazionalità delle forze aeree italiane, parte II
(in English: The national distinguishing signs of the Italian Air Force, part 2)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Pier Paolo Lugli
Language: Italian
Source title: Vexilla Italica [vxi]
Source number (date): XXV:2 (= 44) (1998)
Source pages: 33-41


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Title: Buekorpsfaner i Bergen. Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum 1.12. 1996 — 26.1. 1997 i samarbeid med Buekorpsmuseet i Bergen
Medium: book
Main author(s): Einar Langlo
Edition (publisher: place): Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum: Bergen (Norway)
Languages: English and Norwegian (Bokmål)
Edition date: 1996


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Title: The Flags and Flagpoles of Lundy
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Tony Langham
Language: English
Source title: Lundy Field Society Newsletter
Source number (date): 20 (1990.01)
Source edition (publisher: place): Lundy Field Society: Lundy (United Kingdom)


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Title: Saint Andrew’s Cross, the Scottish National Flag from 832 A.D. till today
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Andrew Logan
Language: English
Source title: Communicaciones, XI Congreso Internacional de Vexilologia, Madrid, 26-31 Mayo 1985 [icv85]
Source number (date): (1987)
Source pages: 296-297


Unused entry: Please refer to author Ramón de Lugo.


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Title: A Survey of Mercantile House Flags and Funnels
Medium: book
Main author(s): J. L. Loughran
Edition (publisher: place): (unknown publisher): Wolverhampton (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1979

Remarks: Bibliography covers a selection of British, American, Canadian, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, South African, and Argentinean books or publications.


Title: Brown’s Flags and Funnels of British and Foreign Steamship Companies
Medium: book
Main author(s): J. L. Loughran
Edition (publisher: place): Brown, Son & Ferguson: Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1982 (8th ed.)
Previous edition: [stg76]
Catalogue codes: ISBN 0-85174-440-0 = ISBN 978-0-85174-440-7
Pages: 114
Format: 12×19 cm


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Title: Brown’s Flags and Funnels of Shipping Companies of the World
Medium: book
Main author(s): J. L. Loughran
Edition (publisher: place): Brown, Son & Ferguson: Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1995 (9th ed.)
Previous edition: [lgr82]
Catalogue codes: ISBN 0-85174-634-9 = ISBN 978-0-85174-634-10
Pages: 150

Remarks: Title changed from previous.

  • Total number of pages: 150
  • foreword: 2 pages
  • Notes and Corrigenda: 3 pages
  • Colour sequence: 1 page
  • 68 numbered pages with 1088 colored flag images
  • 4 numbered pages with empty flag images
  • index: 67 pages (unnumbered)
My comments: the best of the lot (and better than Loughran’79 [lgr79]) in the quality of the images, and less British-biased.
Jarig Bakker, 26 Sep 2005


Unused entry: Please refer to author E. H. Longsdon.


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [lgv96]


Title: Badges of the British Commonwealth — Defaced Flags and Ensigns
Medium: book
Main author(s): Rudi Longueville
Edition (publisher: place): (author): Maldegem (Belgium)
Language: English
Edition date: 2002 (2nd ed.)
Previous edition: [lgv96]
Pages: 92
Format: A4 (tall) (279×210 mm)

Excellent book, has improved greatly since his first edition in February 1996.
Ralph Bartlett, 10 May 2003


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Title: Badges of the British Commonwealth
Medium: book
Main author(s): Rudi Longueville
Edition (publisher: place): (author): Maldegem (Belgium)
Language: English
Edition date: 1996 (1st ed.)


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Title: The choice of colours on flags: Colours of the nation
Medium: book
Main author(s): Rudy Longueville
Edition (publisher: place): (author): Maldegem (Belgium)
Languages: English
Edition date: 1997
Pages: 53
Format: 30 cm
Remarks: Listed in [brz00a] as Q67.


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Title: Flag for the head of State
Medium: book
Main author(s): Rudi Longueville
Edition (publisher: place): (author): Maldegem (Belgium)
Language: English


Title: Symbols of the Civilian Conservation Corps
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Harold D. Langley
Language: English
Source title: The Flag Bulletin [tfb]
Source number (date): XL-2 = 198 (2001)
Source pages: 48-59 + 62-73


Title: Flags in news analysis
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Harold D. Langley
Language: English
Source title: NAVA News [nav]
Source number (date): 1982 Summer (1982.07-09)
Source pages: 2


Title: Confederate flags in the Smithsonian
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Harold D. Langley
Language: English
Source title: The Flag Bulletin [tfb]
Source number (date): XXXVIII-3 = 187 (1999)
Source pages: 106-128


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Title: Bymerkets form
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): L. H. B.
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Bergens Tidende
Source number (date): (1922)
Source edition (publisher: place): (unknown publisher): Bergen (Norway)


Unused entry: Please refer to author Hermann Lehne.


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Title: Uncle Sam and the Flag
Medium: book
Main author(s): Lee Harrison Mountain
Edition (publisher: place): Oddo Publishers: Fayettville, GA (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1978
Remarks: One of the 38 further reading items recomended in the “School Projects” section of [u9s03].


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Title: Die Standarte der ala Longiniana
(in English: The standard of the ala Longiniana)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Hans Lehner
Language: German (High)
Source title: Bonner Jahrbücher
Source number (date): 117 (1908)
Source pages: 279-286
Source edition (publisher: place): Rheinisches Landesmuseum: Bonn (Germany)
Remarks: on a highly controversial Roman standard on a tombstone


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Title: Die Standarte
(in English: The standard)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Alexander Lernet-Holenia
Edition (publisher: place): Droemersche Verlagsanstalt Th. Knaur Nachf.: München (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1980
Catalogue codes: ISBN 3-426-00720-7 = ISBN 978-3-426-00720-4
Pages: 208
Format: 180×114 mm
Remarks: novel; paperback; several earlier editions (other publishers)


Title: Das Kriegswesen der Griechen und Römer
(in English: Military matters of the Greeks and Romans)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Karl A. Löhr
Edition (publisher: place): Verlag von Carl Strecker: Würzburg (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1830 (2nd ed.)
Pages: 317
Format: 197×115 mm


Unused entry: Please refer to author J. Lehuenen.


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Title: Liehuvat Värit
Medium: periodical
Editor(s): Kari Laurla (ed.)
Edition (publisher: place): Partioheraldikot r.y. (Finland)
Language: Finnish
Publishing dates: 1970-
Frequency: 3-4 issues per annum
Catalogue codes: ISSN:0357-1432

1 entries in this source:

issue(s): (unknown)

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