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Bibliography (codes [bua] to [buz])

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Missing info! (3)
Title: The legalization of Hinomaru and Kimigayo as Japan’s national flag and anthem and its connections to the political campaign of “healthy nationalism and internationalism”.
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Marit Bruaset
Language: English
Source number (date): Spring 2003 (2003)
Source pages: 93
Source edition (publisher: place): University of Oslo : Institutt for østeuropeiske og orientalske studier: Oslo (Norway)

Remarks: Available on line as a PDF document.

The main focus of this thesis is the legalization of Hinomaru and Kimigayo as the national flag and anthem of Japan in 1999 and its connections to what seems to be an atypical Japanese form of postwar nationalism. In the 1980s a campaign headed by among others Prime Minister Nakasone was promoted to increase the pride of the Japanese in their nation and to achieve a «transformation of national consciousness». Its supporters tended to use the term “healthy nationalism and internationalism”.

When discussing the legalization of Hinomaru and Kimigayo as the national flag and anthem of Japan, it is necessary to look into the nationalism that became evident in the 1980s and see to what extent the legalization is connected with it. Furthermore we must discuss whether the legalization would have been possible without the emergence of so-called “healthy nationalism and internationalism”.

Thus it is first necessary to discuss and try to clarify the confusing terms of “healthy nationalism” and “patriotism”. Secondly, we must look into why and how the so-called “healthy nationalism and internationalism” occurred and address the question of why its occurrence was controversial.

The field of education seems to be the area of Japanese society where the controversy regarding its occurrence was strongest. The Ministry of Education, Monbushō, and the Japan Teachers’ Union, Nihon Kyōshokuin Kumiai (hereafter Nikkyōso), were the main opponents struggling over the issue of Hinomaru, and especially Kimigayo, due to its lyrics praising the emperor. Accordingly one must discuss the connection between the imperial institution and Kimigayo, the base on which much resistance is built, before trying to clarify in what way the political campaign of so-called «healthy nationalism and internationalism» influenced the field of education.

In this respect we cannot avoid asking to what extent the influence on the field of education formed the basis of the law recognizing Hinomaru and Kimigayo as the national flag and national anthem.

Finally it is important to address the present situation, where the use of the national flag and the national anthem at school ceremonies has reached levels close to 100%. The question must be asked whether the aim concerning a transformation of national consciousness has been achieved through the campaign of healthy nationalism, the use of Hinomaru and Kimigayo at school ceremonies and the legalization of the national symbols.

edited by Jan Oskar Engene


Title: Heraldik
(in English: Heraldry)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Milan Buben
Secondary author(s): Julie Bubnová (ill.)
Edition (publisher: place): Albatros: Praha (Czechia)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1987 (1st ed.)
Pages: 208
Format: 205×145 mm


Missing info! (2)
Title: Um nationalen und republikanische Identität: Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie und der Kampf um die politischen Symbole in der Weimarer Republik
(in English: On national and republican identity: German Social Democracy and the struggle over political symbols in the Weimar Republic)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Bernd Buchner
Language: German (High)
Source title: Historisches Forschungszentrum der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Reihe Politik- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte
Source number (date): 57 (2001)
Source pages: 408
Source edition (publisher: place): Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf.: Bonn (Germany)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 3-8012-4117-3 = ISBN 978-3-8012-4117-9
Remarks: Source editor: Dieter Dowe; Michael Schneider.


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [neu31d]


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [neu31e]


Title: Нарукавні знаки та емблеми військової частини 44882 | Narukavnị znaki ta emblemi vịĭshkovoị̈ ĉastini 44882
(in English: Emblem of the Military Unit No 44882)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Борис Будніков | Boris Budnịkov
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 22 (2000.09)
Source pages: 12


Title: Духовна відзнака військової частини 44882 | Duqovna vịdznaka vịĭshkovoị̈ ĉastini 44882
(in English: Spiritual Sign of the Military Unit No 44882)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Борис Будніков | Boris Budnịkov
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 13 (1997.08)
Source pages: 5


Missing info! (4)
Title: To engelske Olavsbilleder fra middelalderen
(in English: Two Medieval English pictures of St. Olav)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Edvard Bull
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Kunst og kultur
Source number (date): 2 (1912)
Source pages: 49-50


Missing info! (3)
Title: Det norske flags historie
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Edvard Bull
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Den norske sjøfarts historie: Fra de ældste tider til vore dage
Source number (date): 3, 1. halvbind (1927)
Source pages: 1-17
Source edition (publisher: place): Steenske Forlag: Oslo (Norway)


Missing info! (2)
Title: De la Rhodésie au Zimbabwe
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): F. Burgos
Language: French
Source title: Franciæ Vexilla [frv]
Source number (date): Numéro spécial 2005 (2005)


Missing info! (3)
Title: Towards a comprehensive solution to the question of the emblem
Medium: book
Main author(s): François Bugnion
Edition (publisher: place): International Committee of the Red Cross: Genève (Switzerland)
Language: English
Edition date: 2005 (3rd ed.)


Missing info! (3)
Title: The Emblem of the Red Cross: A brief history
Medium: book
Main author(s): François Bugnion
Edition (publisher: place): International Committee of the Red Cross: Genève (Switzerland)
Language: English
Edition date: 1977
Pages: 81


Missing info! (3)
Title: The red cross and red crescent emblems
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): François Bugnion
Language: English
Source title: International Review of the Red Cross
Source number (date): (1989)
Source pages: 408-419
Source edition (publisher: place): International Committee of the Red Cross: Genève (Switzerland)
Remarks: Details on line.


Title: Vildmænd som frugtbarhedssymbol og skjoldholdere ved det danske kogevåben
(in English: Wild men as symbols of fertility and as supporters in the royal arms of Denmark)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ingeborg Buhl
Language: Danish
Source title: Heraldisk tidsskrift [hts]
Source number (date): 22 (1970)
Source pages: 57-65


Missing info! (5)
Title: En hittil ukjent tegning av Norges kongevåben fra ca. 1300
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Jens Bull
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Historisk tidsskrift
Source number (date): 29 (1930-1933)
Source pages: 545-548


Missing info! (3)
Title: The Choice of National Symbols: Reinitiating a Nation-State
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Uradyn E. Bulag
Language: English
Source title: Nationalism and Hybridity in Mongolia
Source number (date): (1998)
Source pages: 215-273
Source edition (publisher: place): Clarendon Press: Oxford (United Kingdom)


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [d2b97]


Missing info! (3)
Title: 「日の丸」「君が代」「元号」考 : 起源と押しつけの歴史を問う / 佐藤文明著 | “Hinomaru” “Kimigayo” “gengo” ko: kigen to oshitsuke no rekishi o tou | ヒノマル キミガヨ ゲンゴウ コウ: キゲン ト オシツケ ノ レキシ オ トウ
Medium: book
Main author(s): 文明 佐藤 | ブンメイ サトウ | Bunmei Sato
Edition (publisher: place): 緑風 出版 | Ryokufu Shuppan: 東京 | Tokyo (Japan)
Languages: Japanese
Edition date: 1997
Catalogue codes: ISBN 48461971-0 = ISBN 978-48461971-3
Pages: 204
Format: 21 cm
Remarks: プロブレム | Puroburemu Q&A. Ill. (some col.). Shohan. Listed in [brz00a] as Q99.


Missing info! (3)
Title: The Birth of an Ideology: Myths and Symbols of Nation in Late-Medieval France
Medium: book
Main author(s): Colette Beaune
Secondary author(s): Susan Ross Huston
Edition (publisher: place): University of California Press: Berkeley (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1991
Catalogue codes: ISBN 0-520-05941-7 = ISBN 978-0-520-05941-2
Pages: 427


Missing info! (6)
Title: Tarikh-i parcham-i Iran
Medium: book
Main author(s): Nusratallah Bukhturtash
Edition (publisher: place): Mehr-Verlag / Intisharat-i Mihr: (unknown location) (Germany)
Language: Persian (a.k.a. Farsi / Dari)
Edition date: 2003
Previous edition: [buq86]

Remarks: includes (cloth) iranian flag; price: 15,00 €

As far as I know, this not yet available.
Marcus Schmöger, 28 Dec 2003


Missing info! (6)
Title: Tarikh-i parcham-i Iran
Medium: book
Main author(s): Nusratallah Bukhturtash
Edition (publisher: place): Mehr-Verlag / Intisharat-i Mihr: (unknown location) (Germany)
Language: Persian (a.k.a. Farsi / Dari)
Edition date: 1986

as far as I remember, there were some interesting pictures (or better to say photos of seals where the lion and the sun appeared) and it seemed that the book was scholarly written. There might be even a short English summary if I am not mistaken.
Aleš Brožek, 03 Jul 2003


Missing info! (1)
Title: Vexillology and the Anglo-Boer war — Boer flags
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): André P. Burgers
Language: English
Source title: Flags from sea to sea: The Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Vexillology, Victoria, B.C., Canada July 28-Aug 3, 1999 [icv99]
Source number (date): (2001)
Source pages: C27-C38


Missing info! (4)
Title: The South African Flag Book
Medium: book
Main author(s): Andries Petrus Burgers
Edition (publisher: place): Protea Book House: (unknown location) (South Africa)
Language: English
Edition date: 2005
Catalogue codes: ISBN 1-86919-112-9 = ISBN 978-1-86919-112-2
Pages: 400 (100 plates)


Title: Sovereign Flags of Southern Africa
Medium: book
Main author(s): André P. Burgers
Edition (publisher: place): Wescape: Kaapstad / Cape Town (South Africa)
Language: English
Edition date: 1997 (1st ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 1-919746-13-7 = ISBN 978-1-919746-13-5
Pages: 61
Format: 205×147,5 mm
Weight: 195 g
Remarks: Col. ill. SAR 30. 00. Listed in [brz00a] as Q11. Reviewed in [fjp97].


Missing info! (1)
Title: Sovereign flags over South Africa from 1488 to 1994
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): André P. Burgers
Language: English
Source title: Flags of Southern Africa and the World — Proceedings of the XVII International Congress of Vexillology, Cape Town, South Africa, 10-15 August 1997 [icv97]
Source number (date): (1999)
Source pages: 37-49


Title: Wappen, Farben und Hymnen des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
(in English: Coats-of-arms, colours and anthems of the Land Mecklenburg-West Pomerania)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Norbert Buske
Edition (publisher: place): Edition Temmen: Bremen (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1993 (1st ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 3-86108-202-0 = ISBN 978-3-86108-202-6
Pages: 144
Format: 249×177 mm

Full Title: Wappen, Farben und Hymnen des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Eine Erläuterung der neuen Hoheitszeichen des Landes verbunden mit einem Gang durch die Geschichte der beiden Landesteile dargestellt an der Entwicklung ihrer Wappenbilder

(in English: Coats-of-arms, colours and anthems of the Land Mecklenburg-West Pomerania: An explanation of the new symbols of the Land together with a course through the history of the both parts of the Land described by the development of their heraldic figures)


Missing info! (2)
Title: Untersuchungen über Ursprung und Entwicklung von Auszeichnungen im römischen Heer
(in English: Investigations on origin and developments of decorations in the Roman army)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Anita Büttner
Language: German (High)
Source title: Bonner Jahrbücher
Source number (date): 157 (1957)
Source pages: 127-180
Source edition (publisher: place): Rheinisches Landesmuseum: Bonn (Germany)


Missing info! (5)
Title: Djengis Khan som kommunismens besejrer
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Ole Bruun
Language: Danish
Source title: Jordens folk — etnografisk revy
Source number (date): 26 (1991)
Source pages: 8-15


Missing info! (3)
Title: Государственная геральдика и вексиллология: Россия, СНГ, Европа, Америка | Gosudarstvennaâ geralhdika i veksillogiâ: Rossiâ, SNG, Evropa, Amerika
(in English: State Heraldry and Vexillology: Russia, CIS, Europa, America)
Medium: book
Main author(s): В. Г. Бурков | V. G. Burkov
Edition (publisher: place): ЭГО | ÊGO: Санкт-Петербург | Sankt-Peterburg (Russia)
Language: Russian
Edition date: 2004
Catalogue codes: ISBN 5-460-00016-5 = ISBN 978-5-460-00016-6
Pages: 471


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [b2v81]


Title: Районний герб на тлі розвитку місцевої геральдики | Raĭonniĭ gerb na tlị rozvitku mịscevoị̈ geralhdiki
(in English: District Arms and Problems of Development of Local Heraldry)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Віктор Бузало | Vịktor Buzalo
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 22 (2000.09)
Source pages: 9


Title: Кокарда армії УНР зразка січня 1918 р. | Kokarda armịị̈ UNR zrazka sịĉnâ 1918 r.
(in English: Army Cockarde of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (Standard of January, 1918))
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Віктор Бузало | Vịktor Buzalo
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 4 (1993.11)
Source pages: 4


Title: Знаки розрізнення спеціальних підрозділів міліції “Титан” | Znaki rozrịznennâ specịalhniq pịdrozdịlịv mịlịcịị̈ “Titan”
(in English: The Signs of the Special Subunit of Militia "Tytan")
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Віктор Бузало | Vịktor Buzalo
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 10 (1995.08)
Source pages: 14-15

From 15 December 2001 until 12 January 2008 this page also provided entries for bibliographical codes in the range bva - bvz. From 15 December 2001 until 31 July 2003 this page also provided entries for bibliographical codes in the range bwa - bzz. The new locations for the entries belonging to those codes can be found from the main bibliography page.

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