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Chubut Province (Argentina)

Provincia de Chubut

Last modified: 2015-07-01 by francisco gregoric
Keywords: chubut | provincia del chubut | cogwheel | sun: raising | dam | jones (roxana vanesa) |
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[Province of Chubut flag] 1:2
image sent by Francisco Gregoric, 21 June 2005

See also: Other sites:

Description of the flag

After a contest, the Province of Chubut in Argentina has a new provincial flag, created by Law No.5292.

In the center of the flag a wheel of gears will be observed: symbol of the industrial production. Behind the gear and over it a rising sun similar to the one shown in the Provincial Shield: "a great stylized, streamlined, symmetrical sun, whose rigid rays represent the fifteen (15) departments that integrate the Province and forecasting a shining future".

Underneath the rising sun, the identificatories attributes of the Provincial Shield are represented: "the Florentino Ameghino Hydroelectrical Dam, in an oblique perspective, estructure of fundamental importance that symbolizes the concretion of the efforts to dominate the River and the conquest of modern engineering, next to the creative effort of man for the development of the agriculture is represented by a great stem of wheat that stands perpendicular from the top of the dam". The yellow horizontal line: represents the rivers of the Province, and in particular the Chubut River, that crosses the territory from the West to the East and of from which the Province takes its name. This line expresses "the two historical stages of the political organization: the [historical] National Territory and the [present day] Province".

The [upper white] zigzag line alludes to the Mountain range of the Andes. The waving lower line represents the Atlantic Ocean. The celestial sky blue color symbolizes the sky and beauty. The yellow [symbolize] force, vitality and splendor as well as the wheat of the provincial agricultural production and the sun. The blue color symbolize justice, loyalty and truth. The white color symbolize purity and faith.
André Pires Godinho, 21 March 2005

There is a new flag for the Province of Chubut, Argentina, since 6 January 2005. According to text of the law, the official colors of the flag are:

  • Light blue: Pantone 298 CVC
  • Yellow: Pantone Yellow 012 CVC
  • Blue: Pantone S 207 - 1CVS (Pantone Process Color System). This blue color is almost a Pantone 2935 CVC.

  • Francisco Gregoric, 21 June 2005

    The shape of the raising sun, the ear of wheat, the Ameghino Dam and the yellow line are taken from the design of the provincial coat of arms.
    Francisco Gregoric, 02 Aug 2006

    Flag law

    The flag was made official by Law No.5292 of December 21, 2004. It was published in the official bulletin on January 6, 2005. The text of the law appears below, first in Spanish, then translated to English.
    Francisco Gregoric, 02 Aug 2006

      LEY 5292


      Artículo 1°.- Establézcase como Bandera Oficial de la Provincia el proyecto ganador del concurso de "Creación de la Bandera del Chubut", que se adjunta como Anexo I de la presente.

      Artículo 2°.- La Bandera de la Provincia del Chubut tendrá el siguiente diseño:

        1) Forma rectangular.

        2) En el centro de la bandera se observará una rueda de engranajes: símbolo de la producción industrial.

        3) Por detrás del engranaje y sobre él se asoma un sol naciente similar al que aparece en el Escudo Provincial: "Un gran sol meridiano, estilizado, simétrico, cuyos rayos rígidos representan los quince (15) departamentos que integran la Provincia y son anuncio de un brillante porvenir".

        4) Debajo del sol naciente, están representados los atributos identificatorios del Escudo Provincial: "El Dique Florentino Ameghino, en perspectiva oblicua, obra de fundamental importancia que simboliza la concreción de los esfuerzos para dominar el Río y la conquista de la ingeniería moderna, junto al esfuerzo creador del hombre para el desarrollo de la agricultura, representada por una gran espiga de trigo que sale en forma perpendicular".

        5) La línea media amarilla: representa los ríos de la Provincia, y en particular al Río Chubut, que recorre el territorio desde el Oeste al Este y de quien la Provincia toma su nombre. Esta línea expresa "las dos etapas históricas de la organización política: el Territorio Nacional y la Provincia".

        6) La línea superior zigzagueante: alude a la Cordillera de los Andes.

        7) La línea inferior ondulante: representa al Océano Atlántico.

        8) El color celeste: simboliza el cielo y la hermosura.

        9) El amarillo: fuerza, vitalidad y esplendor; también el trigo la producción agrícola provincial y el sol.

        10) El color azul: justicia, lealtad y verdad.

        11) El color blanco: pureza y fe.

        12) Se utilizó el patrón internacional de colores Pantone para la determinación cromática.

        13) Fueron tres (3) los colores seleccionados, el celeste de fondo de la bandera es "Pantone Estucado 298 CVC", para el sol amarillo se utilizó "Pantone Estucado Yellow 012 CVC", y para la rueda de engranaje color azul "Pantone Cuatricromía 207 - 1CVS".

      Artículo 3°.- La Bandera de la Provincia deberá ser usada dentro del territorio provincial, en todos los organismos provinciales o municipales y en los actos de conmemoración o recordación histórica o patriótica. En todos los casos se hará de manera conjunta con la Bandera Nacional Argentina (Ley Nacional N° 23.208). En las ceremonias oficiales, la rendición de honores se cumplirá exclusivamente para la enseña nacional.

      Artículo 4°.- Establécese que la Bandera Provincial será usada con mástil propio en todos los actos oficiales en el que se enarbole el pabellón argentino, salvo razones de fuerza mayor que autorizarán para ser izadas ambas en un mismo mástil; con la insignia nacional al tope del asta.

      Artículo 5°.- Concédese derecho a utilizar la Bandera creada a los particulares; entidades culturales y deportivas y organismos de carácter privado.

      Artículo 6°.- Los agentes y funcionarios de los Poderes Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial de la Administración Pública Provincial y Municipal formularán promesa de lealtad a la Bandera de la Provincia del Chubut.

      Artículo 7°.- El Poder Ejecutivo, deberá adecuar el trabajo seleccionado como ganador del concurso "Creación de la Bandera Oficial de la Provincia del Chubut", de acuerdo a lo establecido en el artículo 3° de la Constitución Provincial, haciendo uso de lo dispuesto en el artículo 6° inciso "c" del Anexo I, de la Resolución N° 46 de la Secretaría de Cultura, que establece las bases del Concurso.

      Artículo 8°.- LEY GENERAL. Comuníquese al Poder Ejecutivo.


      Ing. MARIO E. VARGAS
      Honorable Legislatura de la Provincia del Chubut

      Secretario Legislativo
      Honorable Legislatura de la Provincia del Chubut

    English Translation:

      LAW 5292


      Article No. 1.- The Official Flag of the Province will be the proporsal that won the contest for "Creation of the Flag of Chubut", which is attached as Annex I of this [law].

      Article No. 2.- The Flag of the Province of Chubut will have the following design:

        1) Rectangular shape.

        2) At center of the flag there will be a cogwheel: symbol of industrial production.

        3) Behind and over the cogwheel a raising sun it is shown. [It is] similar to the one that appears in the Provincial Coat of Amrs: "A big meridian, stylized and sumetric sun. Its rays represent the fifteen (15) departaments that are part of the Province and are the announcement of a brilliant future".

        4) Below the raising sun, the attributes of the Provincial Coat of Arms are represented: "The Florentino Ameghino Dam, [drawn] in oblique perspective, work of fundamental importance that symbolizes the concreción of the efforts to dominate the River and the conquest of Modern Engineering, alongside the creative effort of the man to develop agriculture, [that is] represented by a big ear of wheat that appears in a perpendicular way".

        5) The middle yellow line: represents the rivers of the Province, and the Chubut River particularly, that travels through the territory from West to East and from which the Province takes its name. This line represents "the two historical periods of the political organization: the National Territory and the Province".

        6) The superior zigzag line: recalls the Andes Mountain Chain.

        7) The inferior wavy linee: represents the Atlantic Ocean.

        8) The sky blue color: simbolizes the sky and the beauty.

        9) The yellow color: strenght, vitalidad y esplendor; it also [recalls] the wheat, the provincial agricultural production and the sun.

        10) The blue color: justice, loyalty and truth.

        11) The white color: purity and faith.

        12) The international Pantone color system was used for cromatic determinación.

        13) Three (3) colors were selected, the sky blue of the fondo of the flag is "Pantone Coated 298 CVC", for the yellow sun "Pantone Coated Yellow 012 CVC" was used, and for the blue cogwheel "Pantone Process Color System 207 - 1CVS".

      Article No. 3.- The Flag of the Province will be used in the provincial territory, in all the provincial or municipal branches and [it also will be used] in commemorative and historical patriotic meetings. In all cases [it] will be used alongside the Argentine National Flag (National Law No. 23,208). In official ceremonies, honor will be bestowed to the National Flag only.

      Article No. 4.- The Provincial Flag will be raised in its own flag staff in all the official ceremonies where the Argentine flag is raised, except when only one pole is available, both flags will be hoisted in the same pole with the National Flag on top and the Provincial Flag inmediately below.

      Article No. 5.- it is given the right to hoist the Flag to private citizens, cultural and sporting associations and private organizations.

      Article No. 6.- To the officials and employees of the Executive, Legislatives and Judicial Branches ofthe Provincial Administration as well as Municipal Governments, a pledge of loyalty to the flag of the Province of Chubut will be administered.

      Article No. 7.- The Executive Power will adapt the work selected as winner of the contest "Creation of the Official Flag of the Province of Chubut", to was established in accordance by article three of the Provincial Constitution, as per what was resolved on Article 6, clause "c" of Annex I, of Resolution No. 46 from the Secretary of Culture, that established the rules for the Contest.

      Article No. 8.- GENERAL LAW. Notify the Executive Power.


      Ing. MARIO E. VARGAS
      Honorable Legislature of the Province of Chubut

      Legislative Secretary
      Honorable Legislature of the Province of Chubut

    Law translated by Francisco Gregoric and Gus Tracchia, 02 Aug 2006

    The Law has been renumbered "V - No. 101 (former Law No. 5292)"
    Ivan Sache, 01 Oct 2012

    Designer of the flag

    The flag was designed by Roxana Vanesa Jones, a noted painter born in 1977 in Gaiman and currently living and working in Puerto Madryn. The designer expected to link the flag with the provincial coat of arms, using some of its most significant elements as "a symbol of unity between all those who were born in the province". She attempted "to respect the Chubut identity and to synthesise historical, cultural, aesthetic and communication aspects".
    Ivan Sache, 01 Oct 2012

    Flag´s Day

    The Day of the Flag of the Chubut Province is the 21st of December.
    Ivan Sache, 01 Oct 2012

    Other sites:

    Provincial coat of arms

    [Province of Chubut coat of arms]
    image by Francisco Gregoric, 11 May 2008

    The emblem was adopted by the law 523 of 9 December 1964. On the shield is shown the dam Florentino Ameghino, an hydraulic structure of great importance for the regional agriculture, as symbolized by the wheat spike growing from the dam. The fifteen sunrays symbolize the fifteen departments.
    Jaume Ollé, 19 Aug 2000, translated by Ivan Sache

    In 1989 a new department of the province of Chubut was created by Provincial Law 3,317: the Departamento Atlántico. Therefore the number of departments of Chubut raised to 16. The original provincial coat of arms was modiffied by Provincial Law No. 5,295 on December 21, 2004. The present day model of provincial coat of arms has a sun with sixteen rays that stand for the sixteen departments of the province.
    Francisco Gregoric, 11 May 2008

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