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Portuguese political Flags

Last modified: 2024-05-09 by klaus-michael schneider
Keywords: mdp/cde | prd | ph | ad | pda | pxxi | psn | ph | monarchist | amnesty international | may day |
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2:3, image by Vítor Luís and António Martins-Tuválkin, 23 Sep 2004 See also:


Non-national parties are forbidden by the Portuguese constitution and electoral legislation, that only recently was revised to open up the possibility of citizen’s lists for local organs.
Jorge Candeias, 05 Mar 2003

There were authonomist/separatist movements in the past, but these days, with the current status of autonomy, these movements are practically gone.
Jorge Candeias, 04 Feb 2003

Democratic Alliance

The coalition PPD-CDS-PPM was called Democratic Alliance (AD - Aliança Democrática) won a few elections, and ruled the country for some years.
Jorge Candeias, 04 Sep 1997

Democratic Party of the Atlantic

Most of the FLA members regrouped in the P.D.A., Partido Democrático do Atlântico, a national party (because of a constitutional article that prohibits regional parties) that gets nearly all it’s votes from the Azores (and also a bit from Madeira too) in a percentage that I don’t think ever reached 5% in the islands themselves. This party uses a white flag with the party logo in yellow and blue centered. The logo is too complex to describe adecuately.
Jorge Candeias, 10 Aug 1999

Politics 21

Política XXI is now one of the members of the Left Block. I don’t know what’s the flag of this Política XXI, if there’s one.
Jorge Candeias, 20 May 1999

MDP-CDE got into a deep internal crisis and split in two movements: one civic movement called Democratic Intervention (that remained tied with the communists) and the party itself that later changed the name to Política XXI and is now one of the members of the Left Bloc.
Jorge Candeias, 05 Sep 1997

Party of National Solidarity

The Party of National Solidarity (PSN - Partido da Solidariedade Nacional) is again a party that arose in the late ’80s - early ’90s. It was nicknamed ’Party of the Retired’, because their main objective was to defend the interests of elderly people. In two elections, PSN was able to elect 1 member of parliament. Their flag was similar to that of Antigua and Barbuda, with the hoist and fly triangles in green and the central in blue. In the central triangle there was a yellow sun and below the sun, ’PSN’ in black. I think they already desappeared also.
Jorge Candeias, 05 Sep 1997

Party of the Democratic Renewal

The Party of the Democratic Renewal (PRD - Partido Renovador Democrático) is a party that arose in the late ’80s originally to fill the gap between PS and PCP, but very centered in the personality of the President at the time (António Ramalho Eanes), our last military and independent president. In the first elections in which the party participated, it got more than 20% of the votes and the third parlamentary group, but soon lost its support, electing less than 10 members of parliament in the next elections and none in the next, dissolving itself shortly after that. If I recall correctly, they used a logo-on-a-bedsheet flag in white with a symbol in red and green in the center and "PRD" below the symbol also in red and green. The symbol featured stylized scales.
Jorge Candeias, 05 Sep 1997

Humanist Party

This party popped up in Denmark in 1987, and stood at the general election that year. They only got some 5600 votes, got nobody elected, and died (more or less). I recall the infinity symbol. They used the letter "H" more than the symbol, but that is a part of the Danish electoral system: each party has a letter (as long as less than 30 parties stand), and that is what get most of the parties’ hype — for obvious reasons.
Ole Andersen, 04 Aug 1999

In Portugal an Humanist party is under way (or already created and legalized, I don’t know), and their leadership gave a press conference a while ago where the flag was seen.
Jorge Candeias, 03 Aug 1999

It is a very small party — they got about 1000 votes last time they run (among some six million electors). This Humanist Party “franchise” seems to be all over the world. They are apparently envolved in things so varied as immigrant support, promotion of occultism and animal rights.
António Martins, 24 Aug 2003

I believe that the flag of this party is orange with black (shadded white) emblem and letters.
Jaume Ollé, 26 Aug 2001

There is a black and white image of the flag of the Partido Humanista on this site.
Franc Van Diest, 26 Aug 2001

People’s Democratic Movement / Democratic Election Committee

The People’s Democratic Movement / Electoral Democratic Center (MDP/CDE, Movimento Democrático Popular / Centro Democrático Eleitoral) is a party that was formed shortly after the revolution, and descends from the Electoral Democratic Commission (CDE - Comissão Democrática Eleitoral), an oposition movement during the dictatorship, that united all the oposition forces of the time to run to (better said, to do as much of a campaign that they where authorized to do in) the very undemocratic elections that took place back then. In the first elections after the revolution, they where able to elect a small parlamentary group, and in ulterior elections joined the communists in a coalition, APU, always electing some members of parliament. In the early ’90s, they broke the coalition, concurred to the next elections alone, failed to elect members of parliament and disappeared. Their flag was a red field with a stylized root (4 root “branches” that joined in a trunk) in the centre.
Jorge Candeias, 05 Sep 1997

MDP-CDE was not that small — it managed to elect 2 MPs on it’s own in the very first elections held after the fall of the fascist regime. The flag was red with a black symbol consisting of a sort of root (a “trunk” and 4 rays in the lower part of it) within a square with the sigla below. My father has one such flag. It later got into a deep internal crisis and split in two movements: one civic movement called Democratic Intervention (that remained tied with the communists) and the party itself that later changed the name to Política XXI and is now one of the members of the Left Bloc.
Jorge Candeias, 05 Sep 1997

Amnesty International - Portuguese Section

Flag of the Portuguese Section of the Amnesty International, 2nd and 6th photos down, found on line.
Francisco Santos, 26 May 2003

May Day red flag

I came across an interesting story in an article published in the “local” supplement of the newspaper Público on May 2nd 2003, signed by Ângelo Teixeira Marques, with accompanyng black and white photo by Marco Maurício, showing this year’s mast raising (a very tall eucalyptus), already with the flag attached.

The story is as follows: to commemorate Labour Day, a meeting is held at Pousada de Saramagos, a village near Vila Nova de Famalicão, in northern Portugal. This is the initiative of José Magalhães, a retired union man, and takes place since the 70’s, when the attendence was far superior to the numbers seen these days.

The thing has its rituals: in the morning, an adecuate log is found «more or less with the permition of its owner», to quote the article. Then, a meter-deep hole is dug and the log is put there and raised without the help of mechanical means, only with arm-power. The firmness of the mast thus created is important because «if the flag falls, that’s a bad omen for the working class». The flag is red without any symbols, and the whole thing consists also of a few fireworks, the singing of one of the hymns of the anti-fascist revolution of April 25, 1974, Grândola Vila Morena and a lunch.

Still according to the article, there’s some level of controversy surrounding the happening and usually, a few days later, the mast is found taken down by somebody.

Jorge Candeias, 29 June 2003

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