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Nationalflagge Kirgisistan, Republik (1992-2023)
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Stockflaggen Kirgisistan (1992-2023)
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Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Respublikasy, Kirghizia

Last modified: 2024-06-22 by victor lomantsov
Keywords: kyrgyzstan | karakirghiz | asia | commonwealth of independent states | yurt | tent | sun | forty | tunduk |
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[Flag of Kyrgyzstan] by Zachary Harden
Proportions: 3:5 [FIS Code]
Flag Adopted 1992-MAR-3 and modified 2023-DEC-22, coat of arms adopted 1994-JAN-14

See also:

Presentation of Kyrgyzstan

Full name: Republic of Kyrgyzstan
Location: Central Asia
Status: Internationally recognized independent state since 31 August 1991. A member of the UN and the CIS.

Notes: In 1924 a Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Region was set up as part of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. (A year later the name 'Kara' [which means 'black'] was dropped.) In 1926 the Region became an ASSR and became a full SSR in 1936. The present name was adopted in 1990, some ten months before independence from the collapsing USSR.
Stuart Notholt 26 September 1995

(26.5.2000) I saw "News" on 1st channel of russian national TV. They said:

Kyrghyzian Parliament today decide to made russian language second STATE LANGUAGE. President A.Akaev confirmed the decision. Parliament adopted new name of the state - Republic of Kirghizia instead of Republic of Kyrghyzstan.

Victor Lomantsov, 26 May 2000

I guess the change applies to both Russian and Kirghiz forms of the name. I reckon in the changes (dropping of "istan" ending and swaping from "y" top "i") the same russifying tendence. Kirghizia, in spite of not having any common border with Russia, was the second most russified central asian republic, second only to Kazakhstan (resp. 21% and 38%, as of 1989 -- Russians in the other three central asian republics didn't reach 10%).
António Martins-Tuválkin, 27 May 2000

The official name of the country is/was "Kyrgyz Respublikasy", neither "-stan", nor "-zia". Probably this means the new name in the new state language, or an imposed translation from Kyrgyz (Russian?) to foreign languages.
Jan Zrzavy, 27 May 2000

I agree with you. This means the new name in the new state language. The state short name ALWAYS was "Kyrghyzstan" in kirghiz language. In Russian it was "Kirghizia" but several last years - "Kyrghyzstan" (recomendation of Kirgh. Government).
Victor Lomantsov, 28 May 2000

State flag of Kyrgyzstan (since 2023)

[flag of Kyrgyzstan] by Zachary Harden

According to, the national flag was modified on 22 December 2023. The design of the sun was modified, along with the central emblem "tunduk", to make the sun more "sun-like" and less "like a sunflower." The change was proposed by Sadyr Japarov, the current President of Kyrgyzstan. The (then draft) law, along with specifications, can be seen at along with some rejected proposals. has some English language comments about the change and the whys.

Additional information came out at that technical specifications are still in the works, though the draft link I sent earlier has the "latest" specifications and information regarding the flag. Also, the replacement of the national flag would be a gradual process, according to the office of the President of the Republic. The link I share now also has a lot more of the background information regarding the changes this year.
Zachary Harden, 23 December 2023

A bill to change the national flag was proposed by deputies Nurlanbek Shakiev and Ulan Primov 28, November 2023. They suggested making the shape of the sunrays rectilinear. They also proposed to use not three, but four rods in the design of the "tunduk". Parliament (Zhogorku Kenesh) passed the bill in first reading 29, November 2023: 66 deputies voted "yes" and 8 voted "no". For the first reading authors made the draft and specifications, but it had many geometric errors. In November the Cabinet of Ministers criticized the project of specifications and it was removed from the latest edition of the Law.

Then deputies passed the bill in second (58 "yes"/6 "no") and third (59/5) reading on 20, December 2023. The Law was signed by President 22, December 2023.

New flag Law of 2023 have no detailed specification. Description of the flag now is very laconic: “The State flag of the Kyrgyz Republic is made of a rectangular cloth of red color, in the center of which there is an image of a round solar disk with forty evenly diverging straight rays of golden color, with an image of a red Kyrgyz yurt “tundyuk†placed inside the solar disk. The width of the flag is three-fifths of its lengthâ€.

Article 3 sais: “Technical specification of the State flag Kyrgyz Republic must be adopted by Cabinet of Ministersâ€.
Victor Lomantsov, 01 January 2024

The initiative for flag change is not unanimously supported in Kyrgyzstan, which seems to be true for the lawmakers as well as the citizens:
However, some of the opponents are already facing the consequences: Aftandil Jorobekov, an activist and blogger, was detained after having opposed the proposal and called for protests against it. He is currently awaiting the trial for inciting "mass unrest", facing the possible sentence of up to eight years of prison: ttps://
Tomislav Todorovic, 25 December 2023 shows the new flag design is in effect as of 26 December 2023. The main thing we need to keep an eye out now is the Council of Ministers is supposed to certify and publish new specifications for the flag. From what I could find from the (previously linked) draft law is the central yurt element while is the flag specification itself.
Zachary Harden, 27 December 2023

The new flag was raised officially on 8 January 2024, with the photos of the ceremony and flag at
Zachary Harden, 8 January 2024

Former state flag of Kyrgyzstan, 1992-2023

[flag of Kyrgyzstan] by Željko Heimer

A new, post-Communist, flag was not adopted until 1992. It is red, with a circular stylized representation of the roof of a Kyrgyz yurt (tent) in the centre, surrounded by the 40 rays of a golden sun. (Tradition has it that 40 tribes were united by the national hero Manas - who used the colour red on his banner - into the Kyrgyz nation.)
Stuart Notholt, 26 September 1995

State flag adopted by Decision of Supreme Soviet (parliament) of the republic on 3, March, 1992. Red colour symbolizes the boldness, gold sun - peace and riches. Central element ("tunduk") symbolizes the father`s home. 40 rays of the sun symbolize 40 soldiers of Manas, the legendary hero of Kyrgyz literature. Authors of the flag: E.Aydarbekov, B.Zhaychibekov, S.Iptarov, Zh.Mataev, M.Sadykov.
Victor Lomantsov, 12 December 2003

The cross in the center of the sun is the view from "yurt" - national transportable house of Kyrghyz. What I wanted to add is that if to count the rays of the sun, they will total 40. This number is the number of Kyrghyz tribes unified into one state.
Sergey Petrov, 1 February 2003

These tribes were unified, according to Znamierowski, by the national hero Manas. "Kyrgiz" means red, which is logically the national colour. 'Manas' is a popular Kirgyz epic, made of more than 500,000 verses arranged in a trilogy. Some archaic parts of the poem seem to date back to the IX-Xth centuries. They relate the marvelous elements of Manas' life, such as his fabulous birth, his invulnerability, his marriage with Kanykei, his meetings with the wise men Bakai and Kochoi and his blood fraternity with Almamber. However, the central elements of the poem relates the patriotic fight of Manas and his relatives Semetie and Seitek against the invaders of the XVI-XVIIth centuries, portrayed as monsters, giants and wizards in the epic. The poem was orally transmitted from generation to generation by the 'manastchi', and was studied for the first time by the Kazakh folklorist Valikhanov in 1856.
Source: Dictionnaire des Litteratures (Larousse)
Ivan Sache, 3 February - 14 December 2003

Law on Flag 1992

Law on Ammendments to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Republic of Kyrgystan

The Supreme Soviet (Parliament) of the Republic of Kyrgystan determines:
1. Following ammendments shall be introduced into the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Republic of Kyrgystan: replace the article 168 with the new text as follows: "Article 168. The state flag of the Republic of Kyrgystan is a horizontal rectangle of red colour, in center of which is set a circular solar disk with fourty regularly distributed rays of yellow colour. Inside the solar disk is with red colour pictured tyundyuk of a Kyrgyz yurt. The width of the flag is three fifths of its length. The diameter of the ray disk if three fifths of the flag width. Ratio of the diameters of the solar and ray disk - three to five. Diameter of tyundyuk is half the diameter of the ray disk."
2. The resulting Law introduce into validity with the time of signing [by president].

President of the Republic of Kyrgystan
A. Akaev
Bishkek, 3 March 1992.

translated by Željko Heimer, 31 January 2004

Law on State Symbols 2004

New Law on State Symbols was adopted on 17 July 2004 (Law # 91). Corrections th this Law were made many times: by Laws #15 from 23.01.2009, #48 from 12.02 2009, #294 from 6.11.2009, #21 from 29.01.2010, #130 from 26.07.2011, #227 from 29.11.2011, #22 from 17.03.2012, #161 from 24.07.2013, #21 from 9.02.2017, #117 from 13.12.2022, #208 from 22.12.2023. But real changes to the flag was made only by last Law # 208 from 22.12.2023.
Victor Lomantsov, 3 January 2024

Specifications 2017

[Flag of Kyrgyzstan] by Zachary Harden

On April 11th, 2017, Kyrgyzstan updated the specifications of their national flag and national emblem. The specifications can be downloaded from and the biggest change was the adoption of color specifications (1788C for Red, Process Yellow C for Yellow) and it gave very clear instructions on how to draw the yurt symbol in the middle of the flag. The overall size, ratio ad yurt specifications did not change.
Zachary Harden, 18 October 2018

Construction sheet (1992)

[construction sheet flag of Kyrgyzstan]
by Zeljko Heimer

Attached to Law is a sheet titled "Kyrgyz Republikasynyn Mamlekettik Zheleginin Shemalyk Surotu / Shematicheskoe Izobrazhenie Gosudarstvennogo Flaga Respubliki Kyrgyzstan". The first title is in Kyrgyz presumably and showes us a glimps of the vexillologic terminology "Mamlekettik Zheleginin" meaning no doubt 'state flag'.
The sheet showes obverse and reverse of the flag attached on a flagstaff topped with a spearhead ornamented with an ornament that is almost certainly a hammer and sickle (though it may alos be a crescent and star, it is hard to tell!). The sheet showes the dimenstions of the flag overall as 150x250 (the dimensions in originals are tenfold I present here, butthere seems to be no reason for that large numbers), and most probably they are intended to be centimeters (i.e. mm in the original).
The diameter of the virtual circle circumscruibing the sunrays is set as 90, the diameter of the red disk that is touching the rays from the inside is 54, and the yellow disk containing tyundyuk is 45. All of the disks are apparently drawn as centered in the flag middle and there is no hint here of the excentricity of the central disk!

[construction sheet flag of Kyrgyzstan]
by Željko Heimer

The second sheet of the set does not show any further info, only introduces names to the dimensions: Z - flag width, Y - flag length, D1=3/5 Z - sun rays outer diameter, D2=3/5 D1 sun rays inner diameter, D3=1/2 D1 central disk diameter. (The actual sheet include some obvious errors, D3 is set to 1/2 Z, that certainly can't be as the accopanying numbers confirm, D1 fomula is not quite readable.)

[construction sheet flag of Kyrgyzstan]
by Željko Heimer

The third sheet include the complicated construction of the tyundyuk. It is captioned "A Kesindisi 1-6 Kesin Disine Proportsiyalash Bolukcholoro Bolunot" which if I am not much mistaken is explanation on the construction of the points 1 though 6.
The sheet showes the red disk circle with diameter D2 (miscaptioned actually as D1) and central disk with diameter D3, excentered upwards so that the distance between the two at the top is B and at the bottom A, with formula B=0.5A. Knowing that D2=54 and D3=45 gives clearly A=6 and B=3. The constuction of the arches is based on a line, let's call it M, that is horizontal on a distance B from the bottom of the central circle. The point D on this line is defined by a vertical tangent to the central circle. t is a central point of the circle forming the lowest arch. The arch passes though the point P that is set as the distance B above the center of the central disk O2 (center of the red disk is named O1). The (upper) interection of this arch with the central circle gives the point Y.
The points D2 though D6 that are the centers of the remaining circles are set on the line M, respectivly towards the center at distances 0.6B, 0.4B, 0.6B, 0.4B and 0.6B (i.e. 1.8, 1.2, 1.8, 1.2 and 1.8). The points Y2 though Y6 are set on a slanted line passing through the points D and Y, proportionally as those D1 though D6, but together covering the distance equal to A (=3, i.e. A is divided into 13 divisions, where the designated points are on 3, 2, 3, 2 and 3). This defines the remaining five arches.
The same construction vertically simetrical finishes the picture.
Željko Heimer, 31 January 2004 (thanks to Christopher Southworth and Victor Lomantsov who provided with the original documentation)

Vertical variant and colours

The protocol manual for the London 2012 Olympics (Flags and Anthems Manual London 2012 ) provides recommendations for national flag designs. Each NOC was sent an image of the flag, including the PMS shades, for their approval by LOCOG. Once this was obtained, LOCOG produced a 60 x 90 cm version of the flag for further approval. So, while these specs may not be the official, government, version of each flag, they are certainly what the NOC believed the flag to be.
for Kyrgyzstan: PMS 032 red, 109 yellow. The vertical flag is simply the horizontal version turned 90 degrees clockwise
Ian Sumner, 11 October 2012

Presidential standard

[presidential standard] by Jens Pattke and Victor Lomantsov after (link founded by Amir Elisha Aharoni)

According to the Russian news agency Ria Novosti (20 July 2005, 20:04), the Central Electoral Commission of Kyrgyzstan announced on 20 July 2005 that the newly elected President of the Republic Kourmanbek Bakiev shall be the first Kyrghyz president to be granted a pectoral medal and a personal standard. Bakiev shall be confered these two emblems on 14 August 2005 during his official inauguration.
The pectoral medal shall be made of gold and silver with jewels and coloured pieces of enamel. The silhouette of Manas, the heroe of the national epic, shall be placed in the cener of the medal. The diameter of the medal shall be 77 mm.
The presidential standard is a red flag with a golden fringe and ribbon and the arms placed inside a golden ring in the middel of the flag. A silver plaque bearing the name of the president and the years of his mandate shall be placed on the flag staff
Ivan Sache, 22 July 2005

The Standard (flag) of the President of the Kyrghyz Republic consists of a red cloth (color of the State flag of the Kyrghyz Republic), framed with gold tape (width 50 mm) and fringed in gold. Ratio is 3:5.
The gold circle which diameter is three fifth of the width of the flag located in the geometrical center of flag.
The stylized image of the State Emblem (white falcon with the wings displayed; a lake, spurs of mountains Ala-Too and a rising sun with beams in golden color are in a background; the inscription in gold around the circle: "Kyrghyz Respublicasynyn Presidenti" (the President of Kyrgyz Republic - in Kyrghys language); the size of letters of the inscription equal to 1/7 of the diameter of the gold circle) located in the centre of the gold circle.

Silver plate with engraved surname, name and a patronymic name of the President of the Kyrghyz Republic in Kyrghyz language and the dates specifying term of his election is placed on the flagstaff. The staff of the standard is surmounted with gold finial spear.

Source: and
Mikhail Revnivtsev, 14 August 2005

Government flag ?

[government flag ?] by Tomislav Šipek

Here is flag very popular in mayors offices and ceremonies but I don't know a status of this flag. Anyone? The flag if red with national CoA.
Tomislav Šipek, 17 April 2017

Par exemple:
Jens Pattke, 17 April 2017

The source that Jens provides ( and the one that Tomislav ( provides, both show the same flag:
- Jens' link of the flag:
- Tomislav's link of the flag (second flag from left to right):
The flag is a rectangular red horizontal flag with the (National Emblem in the middle (a GIF already sent by Jens). This link is the official website of the Issyk-Kul Sustainable Development Project for toilets (water sanitation, sources: and although it is not likely that this is the flag of the project, since they have a different logo.
Here's the same flag (, source: reported by Jens, in a vertical manner (second vertical flag from left to right, next to the Kazakhstan Presidential vertical flag).
The formal name of the Emblem (CoA) is State Emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic, (K?rg?z Respublikas?n?n Mamlekettik gerbi), and it was adopted on january 14, 1994. It was designed by A. Abdraev and S. Dubanaev. Description is as follows: its colors are white and light blue, color of courage and generosity, with the image of a white hawk waving its wings inside a circle in the middle, the lake is located just behind the mountain ranges of Tian Shan and sun rays. To the left and right of the CoA, wheat (top) and cotton (bottom) are displayed. In the upper part, the name of the country appears in "Kyrgyz" and below "Respublikasy".
Sources: (Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic official website) and
Now, tha flag is most likely a government flag (perhaps the Ministry of Interior or an alternate Government organization of some sort). I'm discarding the Supreme Council because they have a different logo.
Another image of the flag is found here: (source:
The formal name of the State Flag is: (English): National flag of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kirg):, K?rg?z Respublikas?n?n Mamlekettik tuusu. This flag was designed by the following committee: E. Aidarbekov), B. Zhaichybekov, S. Iptarov, J. Mataev and M. Sydykov) Sources: and
After seeing several pictures (i.e., (source: , in which the flag is seen again (third flag from left to right), in this case in the officie of the Mayor of the city of Tokmok (city of Tokmok) I have come to the conclussion that the flag reported by Jens (red background and National Emblem) is also the official flag of the country because it is seen in public offices around the country. We could label it "Government" flag, since the official website that features such color combination (red background and National Emblem) is here: (source: ) and the website claims to be the THE GOVERNMENT OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC, KIRGIZ RESPUBLIKASININ ÖKMÖTÜ.
Esteban Rivera, 17 April 2017

Several days ago I asked Kyrghyzstan Embassy in Russia about "UFE" - red flag with COA. Press-secretary of the Embassy G.Baiymbetova answered me 26.04.2017: "There are no any state body which adopted this flag. This variant is not official"
Victor Lomantsov, 2 May 2017

Kyrgyzstan - State Agency of Intellectual Property (positively identified "Government flag?")

Here's some additional information. The flag we currently display under such title is that of "State Agency of Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent)".

It was first established as Patent Office by Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 262 on June 15, 1993 dependent from the State Committee on Science and New Technologies. On January 13, 1995 by Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 13 it is transformed into the Main Directorate of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. On March 4, 1996 through Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the structure and composition of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic†it is transformed into the State Agency of Intellectual Property under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. On August 17, 2007 by Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 424 it is transformed into the State Patent Service of the Kyrgyz Republic. On August 8, 2021 the State Service of Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic is transformed into the State Agency of Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, being its current denomination. Source:

For additional information go to: Patent (official website)
Esteban Rivera, 6 January 2024

I dont think this flag really the flag of State Agency of Intellectual Property. The emblem in the centre is not the Agency logo but State coat of arms.
Victor Lomantsov, 12 January 2024

Armed Forces flag, 2001

[army flag obverse]

[army flag reverse] by Jens Pattke

Kyrghyz army flag. Obverse with the Kyrgyz inscription for "Kyrghyz Republican Armed Forces" and reverse with the Kyrghyz inscription "ATA-MEKEH" for "Fatherland" and an unkown motto. The color is a dark red.
Jens Pattke, 16 August 2005

Spelled: "Кыргыз Республикасынын Куралдуу Күчтөрү"
("Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Kuralduu Kụĉto̶rụ")
Reverse: "Ата - Мекен"
Motto: "Милдет Намыс".
António Martins-Tuválkin, 16 August 2005

I think this banner was adopted by Government Decision No 680, 1 November, 2001, and rejected by Government Decision No 256, 29 April 2002.
Victor Lomantsov, 1 February 2007

Armed Forces flag, 2002

[army flag obverse]

[army flag reverse] from Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Defense WEB-site resized by Victor Lomantsov

New Flag (Banner) of the Armed Forces was adopted by Decision of the Government No 256, 29 April 2002. According the Regulation: The banner of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan Republic represents a field of the rectangular form made from a velvet (silk) fabric of red colour. Length of the field is 1450 millimeters, width - 1100 millimeters. The emblem of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan Republic is placed on the obverse and reverse sides of a banner. The emblem is a falcon in golden colour, holding a sword in right claw and an oak branch in left claw. Shield with a five-pointed red star is placed on a breast of the falcon Inscriptions (in semicircle, golden letters):
obverse top: "MILDET, NAMYS" ("Милдет Намыс"), in kyrghyz language;
reverse top: "DUTY, HONOUR", in russian language;
obverse bottom: "ATA-MEKEN" ("Ата - Мекен"), in kyrghyz language;
reverse bottom: "FATHERLAND", in russian language.
Banner have yellow fringe.

According link, located by Zach Harden, 2006

Armed Forces Emblem

[army emblem] from Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Defense WEB-site

Flag of the Tax Service

[tax service flag] located by Valentin Poposki at

I came across this news report in The Times of Central Asia:

"Tax Service of Kyrgyzstan Has Its Own Flag

Kyrgyzstan, July 4, 2001 [ 17:39 ]


BISHKEK. Prime minister of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiev signed resolution of the Government of the KR "On confirming a regulation on flag and sign of symbol of tax services of the KR". The document was signed on the eve of professional holiday of workers of tax services of Kyrgyzstan. According to the press service of the state tax inspection under the finance ministry of the KR, the flag was hoisted for the first time in the solemn ceremony on the occasion of significant date."

No picture accompanied the report and there was no mention of the design either.
Jan Oskar Engene, 16 October 2001

Kyrgyzstan Tax Service got its flag and emblem on June, 29th, 2001. The flag with description in russian is here:
Valentin Poposki, 3 December 2005

According Regulation on Flag and Sign of Tax Service of Kyrgyz Republic (adopted by decision No305 of Government of Kyrgyz Republic, 29, June, 2001):
"Flag of Tax Service of Kyrgys Republic is a rectangular field made from silk of blue-green colour, length of the field is 2500 mm, height - 1500 mm. Depiction of the Sign of the Tax Service is placed on the obverse side of the field, distance from upper and hoist edge to the Sign - 300 mm.
Sign of the Tax Service is a blue-green graphic composition inside a circle. An eagle displayed is in the centre of the circle. Inscription "KYRGYZSTAN SALYK KYZMATY" in state language is placed in semicircle in the upper part of the circle . The inscription frames the eagle"
(translated by Victor Lomantsov)

Flag of Ministry of Ecology and Emergencies

[Ministry of Ecology and Emergencies flag] by Jens Pattke after

Flag of Public Prosecution Service

[Public Prosecution Service flag] by Jens Pattke after Website of the Public Prosecution Service of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan

[Public Prosecution Service flag] photo from Website of the Public Prosecution Service of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Flag of Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan

[Ministry of Justice flag] by Jens Pattke and António Martins-Tuválkin after

Flag of Rescue Service of the City of Bishkek

[resque service flag] located by Valentin Poposki at

Erroneous reported flag

[erroneous depicted flag of Kyrgyzstan] by António Martins-Tuválkin

The 1990-1992 Kyrghyz flag, above, was quite incorrect. This is supposed to have been the Kyrghyz ASSR flag without the hammer and sickle with a ratio of 1:2.
António Martins-Tuválkin, 06 May 2000

The flag of 1990-1992 without the star, hammer and sickle is very doubtful. Maybe somebody in 1990 made same flag, but as I know official flag until 1992 was WITH star, hammer and sickle... There were many proposals of flags in 1990-1992: - blue, red, green equal horizonthal stripes divided with thin white stripes; - light-blue flag with sun in the centre; - green, white, red with the silhouette of national house ("yurta") near the hoist; etc.
Victor Lomantsov, 07 May 2000

All I can say on this is that I saw frequently in that period depictions (no photos) of the Kirghiz flag without hammer and sickle. I also saw once or twice the flag depicted with hammer and sickle, though.

So out here in the west, people thought the Kirghiz flag had dropped the sickle and hammer. I wonder where that came from?
Jorge Candeias, 09 May 2000

I saw TV spot in December 1991 (or so) in that the flag with the hammer and sickle was displayed during the official meeting ceremony in visit of some US politician, possibly President Bush. There were two poles, one with US and the other with Kyrgyzstan hammer and sickle flags.
Jan Zrzavy, 10 May 2000

Opposition flag, 2007

The flag reported by Corbic as opposition in Kyrgyzstan must be perhaps in fact the ruling party flag. Opposition party flag on Kyrgyzstan : Red over Blue, source quoted as "Art info 7-11-06".
Jaume Ollé, 20 February 2007

Flags of political parties

[political party Akyjkat] by Victor Lomantsov

Flag of political party "Akyjkat" (Republican Party "Justice") (drawn after photo at Movement "For Justice" was founded in 2007, party founden in 2010.
Victor Lomantsov, 7 October 2010

[Social-Democratic Party] by Victor Lomantsov

[Social-Democratic Party] by Victor Lomantsov

Two variants of the Social-Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan
1) old version: (blue with flower)
2) modern version (white with blue rectangle)
Images made after photos at Victor Lomantsov, 7 October 2010

[Zamandash Party] by Victor Lomantsov

In 2007 the political party "Zamandash" was founded in Kazahstan. Flag of "Zamandash" party
Images made after photos at Victor Lomantsov;, 7 October 2010

[Assotiation Zamandash] by Victor Lomantsov

Assotiation for helping to kyrghyzs lived in Russia and Kazakhstan "Zamandash" ("The contemporary") was founded in 2003. They use (till now) blue-white-blue flag with logo and inscription "Assotiation Zamandash". Upper part of the logo looks like the globe.
Victor Lomantsov;, 6 January 2015

[ZAMANDASH-SOVREMENNIK Party] by Victor Lomantsov

In 2010 the party was registered with new name "ZAMANDASH-SOVREMENNIK" ("The contemporary" in kyrghyz and russian languages) and new inscription on the flag.
Victor Lomantsov;, 6 January 2015

[Eldik Kenesh] by Jakub Grombíř

Flag of "Eldik Kenesh" party
Eldik Kenesh (People's Council in Kyrgyz) is opposition party established at January 2010. It had fought against president Bakiev but now it claims that provisional government is ilegitimate too and that there should be 1993 Constitution readopted and then start new elections. Leader of this party is Mukar Cholponbayev. Party's flag is light blue and red bicolour, there is white circle in center holding seven red five-pointed stars (common symbol standing for traditional seven Kyrgyz tribes).
There is also photo of some demonstrating people under this flag at,IWPR,COUNTRYNEWS,,4b5daf741e,0.html
Jakub Grombíř, 5 June 2011

[Birbol Party] by Victor Lomantsov

Flag of "Bir Bol" (panther`s jump) party founded in 2010
Victor Lomantsov;, 21 September 2016

University of Central Asia (UCA)

"The University of Central Asia (UCA) was founded in 2000. The presidents of Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan and His Highness the Aga Khan signed the International Treaty and Charter establishing this secular, not-for-profit, private university that was ratified by the respective parliaments and registered with the United Nations."
Sources: and

Its flag is the logo ( ) over a white horizontal flag as seen here (first flag from left to right): (source:
For additional information go to UCA (official website) -
Esteban Rivera, 17 April 2017

International University of Central Asia (IUCA)

"The International University of Central Asia was established in 2008". Source: <>a href=""> The flag is a horizontal flag with the logo ( as seen here: (source:
For additional information go to IUCA (official website) -
Esteban Rivera, 18 April 2017

Ala-Too International University (Kyrgyzstan)

[Ala-Too University flag] by Ivan Sache

Ala-Too International University (AIU) was established in 1996 in Bishkek by a cooperative educational agreement signed between the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Sapat Educational Organization. AIU is composed of 4 Faculties (Economics and Administrative Sciences, Social Sciences, New Technologies, and Medicine).
The university's namesake is Kyrgyz Ala-Too, a mountain range that spreads over Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Bishkek's central square, established in 1984 as Lenin Square, was renamed to Ala-Too square in 1991. The square was a main site of the March 2005 Tulip Revolution, which resulted in the resignation and exile of President Askar Askayev.
AIU was originally known as International Atatürk-Alatoo University (IAAU), founded by the Sebat Educational Organization. an academic organization inspired by Fethullah Gülen. In the aftermath of the aborted coup of 15 June 2016 in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan put pressure on Kyrgyzstan to close down the 36 educational institutes operated by Sebat - as was done with 15 Turkish universities for alleged links with the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ, the name given to the Gülen movement by the Turkish government). Kyrgyzstan did not comply with Turkey's demand, renaming Sebat to Sapat and the university to AIU.
[The Irish Times, 5 August 2016]
The flag of AIU is white with the university's emblem.
AIU website
Ivan Sache, 7 June 2018

Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University (KTMU)

[Manas university flag] by Ivan Sache

The university's namesake is the Kyrgyz epic "Manas". The monumental epic Manas is the most treasured expression of the national heritage of the Kyrgyz people. Composed and sung entirely in oral form by various singers throughout the centuries, Manas is regarded as the epitome of oral creativity. Today there are about sixty versions of the epic Manas recorded from various epic singers and oral poets. Its longest version, consisting of half a million (500553) poetic lines, was written down from one of the last master-manaschi (singers of Manas) Saiakbai Karalaev (1894-1971). The epic is indeed unique in its size. It is twenty times longer than the Homeric epics Iliad (15693) and Odyssey (12110) taken together and two and a half times the length of the Indian epic Mahabharata. The epic Manas is a trilogy, "a biographical cycle of three generations of heroes, i.e., Manas, his son Semetei and grandson Seitek."
Manas website (with translations), by Elmira Kocumkulkizi
The flag of KTMU is white with the university's emblem.
KTMU website
Ivan Sache, 7 June 2018

Civil Aviation Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic

[Aviation Agency flag] by Paul Bassinson

Flag of the Civil Aviation Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic (image obtained from
Paul Bassinson, 24 June 2023

National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan

[Kyrgyzstan   Olympic flag] by Zachary Harden

The National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan was founded in 1991 after the breakup of the Soviet Union; it was recognized in 1993 by the IOC and is under the umbrella of the Olympic Committee of Asia. As for the flag, it can be seen at and to follow many NOC's, it is a logo (national flag over the country name, in English, above the Olympic Rings) on white.
Zachary Harden, 26 June 2018

Football Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic

[white flag of FFKR] by Tomislav Šipek

[red flag of FFKR] by Tomislav Šipek

[table flag of FFKR] by Tomislav Šipek

The flag of Football Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic is white with logo. I also found red flag but I don't know is that flag real. Table flag id white with logo white name is english, kyrgyz and russian.
Tomislav Šipek, 7 May 2019

Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank (Kirgiz investitsiyalik-kredit banki) flag

The bank was established in 2001. The shareholders of KICB are Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED) (official website:, defunct link, accessible through here:, International Finance Corporation (IFC) (, official website: ), Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft GmbH (DEG) (official website: ), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) ( , official website:, HBL Pakistan (official website: and the state of Kyrgyz Republic. Sources:

Its flag is the logo ( over a white horizontal background as seen here (first and third flags from left to right):
- (source:
- (source:
For additional information go to KICB (official website) -
Esteban Rivera, 18 April 2017

National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

[National Bank flag] by Tomislav Šipek (after

[National Bank flag] by Paul Bassinson (image obtained from

National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic id central bank of Kyrgyzstan. Here is the flag -
Tomislav Šipek, 1 July 2023

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