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Zagreb County (Croatia)

Zagrebačka županija

Last modified: 2023-03-18 by rob raeside
Keywords: zagreb county | zagrebacka zupanija | leopard's head (yellow) | star: 6 points (yellow) | marten | turopolje |
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[Flag of Zagreb County] image by Željko Heimer, 4 October 2000

See also:

Flag of Zagreb County

The symbols of Zagreb County are prescribed by Decision Odluka o grbu, zastavi i slovoliku (logotipu) Zagrebačke zupanije, adopted on 16 March 1996 by the County Assembly, signed by the County Mayor on 27 March 1996 and published on 22 April 1996 in the County official gazette Glasnik Zagrebačke županije, No. 5/11, with effect the same day.
The Decision was amended by Odluka o izmjenama i dopunama Odluke o grbu, zastavi i slovoliku (logotipu) Zagrebačke zupanije, adopted on 25 May 2010 by the County Assembly and published on 26 May 2010 in Glasnik Zagrebačke županije, No. 10 (text).

The flag is prescribed in Section III of the Decision as follows:

III. The flag of Zagreb County
Article 8.

The flag of Zagreb County is rectangular with proportions 1:2, the hoist side being the shorter one. The flag reproduces the fourth field of the coat of arms of Zagreb County, that is five alternating green and white horizontal fields with straight edges. In the middle of the flag is placed the coat of arms of the Zagreb County, its height being the half of the flag's shorter side.

Article 9.
The original of the flag is held in the office of the County Mayor.

Article 10.
The flag of the County can be hoisted:
1. On the celebration of the Day of the County;
2. On public events (cultural, sporting) in the County, according to the rules and customs for such events;
3. During the meetings of the County Assembly;
4.Iin other occasions, if the use is not against the provisions of this Decision.

Article 11.
If the flag of the County is hoisted with the flag of the Republic of Croatia, the County flag comes to the left viewed from the street towards the flags. If the flag of the County is hoisted with the flag of the Republic of Croatia and the flag of a municipality or a town, the flag of the Republic of Croatia is in the middle, while the County flag is on the right viewed from the street towards the flags.

The symbols were designed by the Heraldic Art d.o.o company from Rijeka.

Decision Odluka o mjerilima i postupku za odobravanje uporabe grba i zastave Zagrebačke županije, adopted on 12 November 2002 by the County Assembly and published on 15 November 2002 in Glasnik Zagrebačke županije, No. 19, determines the way and procedures to grant the use of the coat of arms and the flag to third parts.

Željko Heimer, 17 July 2010

Coat of arms of Zagreb County

[Coat of arms of Zagreb County] image by Željko Heimer, 4 October 2000

The coat of arms of Zagreb County is prescribed in Section II of the aforementioned Decision as follows:

II. The coat of arms of Zagreb County
Article 6.

The coat of arms of Zagreb County is of the basic shape of the historical coat of arms of the former Zagreb County from AD. 1757. The shield is quartered with an escutcheon: 1. Azure a crowned leopard's head or, 2. Checky of 25 pieces gules and argent, 3. Azure on base vert a marten passant proper and above it a mullet of six or, 4. Vert two bars argent. Escutcheon: Military-shaped shield (same as the main shield), from sinister a rock proper issuing water falling into a quadratic well.

Three of the four fields represent the three main Croatian regions, that is, the Kingdoms of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia. The arms here are not represented in full, but are modified a bit - there is only one leopard's head in the Dalmatian part and there are no rivers and star in the Slavonian part. The fourth field, used as a base for the flag, is said to be a coat of arms of Turopolje, a region south of Zagreb. The escutcheon is explained as to represent a source that was once in Zagreb's midpoint - called Mandusevac, and with which the legend of the town's naming is connected. There is still a fountain in the Zagreb's main square in this place.

Željko Heimer, 4 November 2007

Imre Csáki shows in A magyar királyság vármegyéinek cimerei a XVIII-XIX. században (Corvina, Budapest, 1995) all the coats of arms of the Counties of the Hungarian part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the 18th-19th centuries. The coat of arms of the former Hungarian Zágráb vármegye (Zagreb County), first adopted in 1759, is described as a cartouche shield, quarterly, 1. Azure a crowned lion's face or, 2. Checky of 25 pieces argent and gules, 3. Azure a terrace vert on which is running a marten proper surmounted by a six-pointed star or, 4. Vert two fesses wavy argent. Escutcheon: Or a rock proper from which water is flowing to a basin. The shield surmounted by a Royal crown or.

Pascal Vagnat, 28 June 1998

Historical flag of Zagreb County, 1832

[Historical flag of Zagreb County]         [Historical flag of Zagreb County]

Historical flag of Zagreb County, obverse and reverse - Images by courtesy of Jelena Borošak-Marijanović, Croatian History Museum (website)

Dark-red silk, gilt metal strands, wood, painting. 96 x 82 cm, length of flagstaff 295 cm.
A rectangular flag edged with a fringe. On both sides the flag field had painted depictions at right angles to the flagstaff.
Obverse: The crowned central part of the coat of arms of the Zagreb County granted by Maria Theresa on 16 July 1759. The inscription running around the coat of arms painted in gold reads "ARMA COMITATUS ZAGRABIENSIS" (The coat of arms of the Zagreb County).
Reverse: In the centre of the flag field there is the iconographic depiction of St. George slaying the dragon and the year "MDCCCXII" (1832) underneath it.

Source: Jelena Borošak-Marijanović, Zastave kroz stoljeca [bor96]
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