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Zabok (Town, Krapina-Zagorje County, Croatia)

Last modified: 2023-03-18 by rob raeside
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[Town flag] image by Željko Heimer, 24 December 2015

See also:

Flag of Zabok

The symbols of Zabok are prescribed by Decision Odluka o izmjenama i dopuni Odluke opisu i uporabi grba i zastave Grada Zaboka, adopted on 20 December 1995 by the Town Assembly and published on 30 December 1995 in the County official gazette Službeni glasnik Županije Krapinsko-zagorske, No. 17, superseding the former symbols.
The current Town Statutes, Statut Grada Zaboka, adopted on 1 July 2009 by the Town Council and published on 2 July 2009 in Službeni glasnik Krapinsko-zagorske županije, No. 13 (text), include the descriptions of the coat of arms and the flag. This is word for word repeated from the previous Statutes, Statut Grada Zaboka, adopted on 30 November 2001 by the Town Council and published on 15 December 2001 in Službeni glasnik Krapinsko-zagorske županije, though the symbols were adopted earlier.

The symbols were approved on 26 April 1996 by the Ministry.

The flag (photo, photo, 2011; photo, 2013) is described with detailed geometric determinations as:

... a rectangular flag of turquoise blue, in proportions 1:2. On the left side of the flag, equally distanced from the edges is the coat of arms of the town, reaching 2/3 of the flag's size, in proportions 5:4.5. The flag is bordered with a silver fringe.

Željko Heimer & Marko Vitez, 10 August 2016

Coat of arms of Zabok

[Town coat of arms] image by Željko Heimer, 24 DEcember 2015

The coat of arms of Zabok is "Gules, a griffin and a lion or holding a crowned orb together".
The blue item the heraldic beasts are holding together is named in the Statutes "a helmet with a white diadem and a white cross". It is expressely stated that the coat of arms is a based of the family arms of Zaboky de Zabok family, documented in 1575 and shown on a seal ring dated 1606.
The description of the coat of arms was updated by Decision Odluka o izmjeni Odluke opisu i uporabi grba i zastave Grada Zaboka, adopted on 27 March 1996 by the Town Assembly and published on 18 April 1996 in Službeni glasnik Županije Krapinsko-zagorske, No. 5. The Decision changed only a single word in the description of the arms - namely the item hold by the beasts, which was originally described as a "helmet", was then described as a "crown". However, I believe that this is simply a matter of wording with no implication on the actual design. The change might have been suggested by the Heraldry Commission of the Ministry of Administration.

Zabok was given in 1335 to a noble family who took a name after it, Zaboky. The original colors of the coat of arms of the Zaboky de Zabok family are actually unknown, the blazon in Bojničić's 1899 Armorial [bjn99a] simply says: Greif und Löwe gegen einander aufsprigngend, halten mit den Vorderpranken gemeinsam einen Reichapfel (A griffin and a lion rampant regardant holding together in the front paws a royal orb), without any color indication, but with a note that the coat of arms is found confirmed in 1690 in the Croatian State Archives. Probably the color uncertainty was the reason for the change in the arms.

Željko Heimer, 10 September 2010

Table flag of Zabok

[Town flag]         [Town flag]

Two versions - images by Željko Heimer, 9 August 2016

The table flag is a rectangular, vertical flag, light blue (photo) or bright blue, with the coat of arms slightly offset towards the bottom with the black inscribed two-lined town's name above it.

Željko Heimer & Marko Vitez, 9 August 2016

Former symbols of Zabok

[Former flag]         [Former coat of arms]

Former symbols of Zabok - images by Željko Heimer, 24 December 2015

The former symbols of Zabok are prescribed by Decision Odluka o opisu i uporabi grba i zastave grada Zaboka, adopted on 10 December 1993 by the Town Assembly and published on 29 April 1994 in Službeni glasnik Županije Krapinsko-zagorske, No. 12.
The symbols are described in Article 4 of the Town Statutes Statut grada Zaboka, adopted on 10 December 1993 (the same day as the symbols) by the Town Assembly and published on 29 April 1994 in Službeni glasnik Županije Krapinsko-zagorske, No. 12.

The flag is described as follows.

The flag of the Town of Zabok is in rectangular shape, turquoise blue, in proportions 8:13. On the left side of the flag, equally distanced from the edges, is the coat of arms of the Town, reaching to the 2/3 of the flag size in ratio M=5:4.5. The flag is edged with a golden fringe.

This should mean that the coat of arms is set in the middle of a rectangle covering the first 2/3 of the flag, with its height being 9/10 of its width.

The flag was still in official use in late 2015 (photo).

The coat of arms is described as follows.

The coat of arms is a variation of the arms of the Zaboky de Zabok family, dated 1575, composed of a shield with a golden outline, coloured Bordeaux red in which there are a golden griffin (winged lion) on the left and a golden lion on the right, both rampant, facing each other with a scowl. With two front paws they hold together above themselves a turquoise blue helmet with a white diademe topped with a white cross at the top of the helmet.

Željko Heimer & Marko Vitez, 24 December 2015

Logo flags of Zabok

[Logo flag]  [Logo flag]  [Logo flag]  [Logo flag] images by Tomislav Šipek, 22 November 2021

The logo consists of five letters and a line. As the logo is described as dynamic it provides possibilities for many variants in performance. They use red and white for the colors.

The flags have been affected by this so that there can also be many variants and ultimately the four presented in the attachment are used.
Tomislav Šipek, 22 November 2021

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