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Province of Seville (Andalusia, Spain)

Last modified: 2020-02-05 by ivan sache
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[Flag]         [Flag]

Flag of the Province of Seville, two prescribed versions - Images from the Símbolos de Sevilla website, 25 January 2017

See also:

Presentation of the Province of Seville

The Province of Seville (1,942,155 inhabitants in 2013, therefore the 5th most populous province in Spain; 14,042 sq. km) is located in western Andalusia.

Ivan Sache, 28 June 2009

Symbols of the Province of Seville

The flag (photo, photo, photo, photo, photo) and arms of the Province of Seville, submitted on 30 September 2014 by the Provincial Council to the Directorate General of the Local Administration, are prescribed by a Resolution adopted on 17 December 2014 by the Directorate General of the Local Administration and published on 30 December 2014 in the official gazette of Andalusia, No. 254, pp. 80-81 (text).
The symbols are described as follows:

Flag: The flag shall have a relation of 3/2 between its maximum and minimum dimensions, that is, A/B = 3/2, A being the length and B being the width. The dimensions of the flag, used either indoors or outdoors, shall always match these proportions and the standards accepted for the Andalusian and national flags: 1.50 m x 1.00 m, 2.10 m x 1.35 m, 2.80 m x 1.80 m, 3.50 m x 2.25 m. If the flag does not match the prescribed proportions, it should be square.
The flag shall be used on official vehicles.
The colour of the flag should be green as traditionally used: Pantone 3415 C.
The flag shall bear, on both sides and centered, the provincial coat of arms.
When the flag has proportions 3/2, the main axis of the coat of arms shall be at a distance A/2 from the hoist.
When the flag is square, the coat of arms shall also be centered, covering nearly all the flag.

Coat of arms: It shall be based on the coat of arms of the municipality of Seville, which features the figures of St. Ferdinand, sitting, St. Isidore and St. Leander, both standing, surrounded by a Gothic architecture, in the first quarter; in base appears the motto NO&DO. It is surrounded by a collar made of ten escutcheons that represent the municipalities that were capital of judiciary parties at the time of its creation (1927). These are, clockwise: Carmona, Utrera, Cazalla de la Sierra, Lora del Río, Sanlúcar la Mayor, Estepa, Marchena, Morón de la Frontera, Osuna, Écija. The shield is surmounted by a Royal crown open.
As far as the colours are concerned, in the central body, the background of the Gothic architecture shall be blue; the architectural structure proper shall be yellow (gold), the king's crowned the orb he holds in the left hand shall be of the same colour, the sword shall be argent (white). As far as the King's clothing is concerned, the cloak shall be red, over the shoulders the cloak shall be ermine (white spotted black); the tunic shall be black and the plastron (which was formerly white) shall be golden yellow. The throne shall be yellow (gold) and the back shall be green. The soil, checky white and black.
St. Isidore: red tunic over a white drapery, white shoes, yellow staff, white book, mitre white outside and red inside and yellow stole, face and skin proper. The same for St. Leander.
In the lower part of the shield the colours shall be yellow (gold) for the motto and green for the background. The bordure of the whole central body shall be yellow (fold).

The official description of the flag, reproduced in the website of the Provincial Council, matches, verbatim, the description given in the Handbook of Corporate Identity (p. 18), undated by already available in 2008. The registration required in 2014 is, undoubtedly, an administrative regularization.
The width of the coat of arms, not prescribed in the official text, is given graphically in the Handbook as B/2 (50% of the flag's hoist). An image of the square version of the flag is also provided.

St. Ferdinand is King Ferdinand III the Saint (1199/1201-1252), the son of Alfonso IX (1171-1230), King of León (1188-1230), and of Berengaria (1179/1180-1246), Queen of Castile (1217-1246). Ferdinand III was King of Castile from 1217 to 1252. Crowned King of León in 1230, he definitvely reunited Castile and León.
Ferdinand III was canonized on 4 February 1671 by Pope Clement X, as a champion of the Christian reconquest in Andalusia. Supported by the military Orders of Saint James, Calatrava and Alcántara, by the Bishop of Toledo, Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada (1170-1247), and by the Castilian nobility, Ferdinand reconquerred Córdoba (1236), Murcia (1243), Ja&ecute;n (1246), and, eventually, Seville (1248), after a siege that lasted one year and a half.
[Catholic Encyclopaedia]

St. Isidore of Seville (c. 560-636; canonized in 1598 by Pope Clement VIII and proclaimed Doctor of the Church in 1722 by Innocent XIII) was Archbishop of Seville from 600/601 to his death. He presided the 2nd Council of Seville and the 4th Council of Toledo (633).
Isidore was also a prolix writer, being mostly remembered for the Etymologiae / Origines, an encyclopedic compendium of classical learning spreading over 20 volumes. The compendium introduced Aristotle and other Greek philosophers six centuries before translations were made from Arabic sources and remained popular, often copied and plagiarized until the 16th century.

St. Leander of Seville (c. 534-600/601), St. Isidore's brother, was Bishop of Seville from 579 to his death. He presided the 3rd Council of Toledo (589), during which Visigothic Hispania abjured Arianism.
[Catholic Encyclopaedia]

Ivan Sache & Valentin Poposki, 25 January 2017

Coat of arms of the Province of Seville

The arms are described in great detail in the Handbook of Corporate Identity (pp. 5-12).
The oldest known provincial arms date back to 1877, while the design in present-day's use appeared at the end of the 1920s - the only variation occurred during the Second Republic, when the Royal crown was substituted by a Roman mural crown. When the Provincial Council was moved to plaza del Triunfa, the arms were set in the Council Room (ceiling and door), in the President's official room (ceiling), and in the Commissions' Room. The arms are also featured on an azulejo set over the main entrance of the building, and on silverware, earthenware and glassware of the time.

The arrangement of the escutcheons forming the collar around the central arms of Seville is geometrically defined as follows. Numbering the shields clockwise, from 2 (Carmona) to 10 (Écija) and their respective left and right corners . 1 and . 2, the following groups of three points shall be lined;
1.2 - 1.1 - 8.2
3.2 - 3.1 - 9.2
5.2 - 5.1 - 10.2
6.1 - 6.2 - 1.1
8.1 - 8.2 - 2.1.
The four points 1.1, 4.1, 7.2, and 10.2 shall be lined on a circle.

The complete arms shall have proportions 13:10, rather than the usual 12:10 proportions.
The length of each escutcheon is c. 1/10 of the length of the central shield [rather, 1/5].
The width of each escutcheon is c. 1/4 of the width of the central shield. These values are not "mathematically rigourous" but approximate and intended to obtain a correct construction of the arms of the Province of Seville.

The colours are prescribed as follows:

Colour		Pantone		      CMYK (%)		        RGB
Black		 Black		   0   0   0  100	     0    0    0
Red	           188		   0 100  80    0	   181    0   39
Argent		   877		   0   0   0   30	   178  178  178
Or		   872		  20  30 100    0	   159  126    0
Green		  3415	         100  10  70    0	     0  111   70
Blue		  2935	         100  50   0    0	     0   68  173
Purple		   218		   0  70   0    0	   216   90  174
Pomegranate       1345	           0  10  40    0	   246	203  126

If for technical reasons, or any other, or and argent cannot be reproduced, yellow and white shall be substituted, respectively. Brown shall be included.

The description of the central shield is the same as in the Resolution.
The collar shall be formed of ten small escutcheons, all of the same size, without crown and representing (simplified) the arms of the municipalities that were capitals of judicial parties, clockwise.
1. Carmona.
Only the following elements of the municipal arms of Carmona shall be represented: a star argent on a blue field, surrounded by castles or on gules and lions gules on or, in turn. The colours are: Argent (white), blue, red; and or (yellow).
2. Utrera.
To represent this judicial party, the Province shall use the municipal arms of Utrera, simplified as follows. A shield divided per fess, the first quarters with three subquarters, the first and third subquarters, argent an olive tree proper, the second subquarter, or a tower proper; in the lower part, argent a white horse and a black bull affronty over a bridge over a river (all the elements proper). The colours are: Argent (white, green, black and or (yellow).
In this case, the figures are proper, that is, the colours are not specified but subjected to adequate interpretation. For instance, a bridge proper is no represented in a more precise colour, which could be brown.
3. Cazalla de la Sierra.
The municipal arms of Cazalla de la Sierra lacks the crown (like all the other ones) and is represented as follows: on a field or, two white doves on a blue base. The colours are : Or, argent (white), and azure (blue).
4. Lora del Río.
To represent this judicial party are used the arms of Lora del Río, from it, on a field argent is represented a tree (laurel), green with a black trunk, surmounted by a Marquis' coronet or. On a brown vase. The colours are: Or, argent (white), green, black, and brown.
5. Sanlúcar la Mayor.
The representation of the arms of Sanlúcar la Mayor is schematized as follows: on a filed azure, a rising sun or surmounting a wood proper (the canopy, green, and the trunks, black) and surrounded by two columns or (See "Her‡ldica municipal...", by José María de Mena, p. 206). The colours are: Or, argent (white), blue, green and black.
6. Estepa.
The municipal arms of Estepa are represented as follows: On a field argent a bunch of grapes vert and leaves (brown) of fig. (The arms dates back to the 13th century). The colours are: Argent (white, green, and black.
7. Marchena.
The full arms of Marchena shall be simplified as follows: Shield divided per fess, first, on a field argent a bundle of three arrows sable, second, on a field or, a lion gules crowned rampant. The colours are: Or, argent (white), black,and red.
8. Móron de la Frontera.
The arms of Móron de la Frontera are reproduced only partially. On a red field, a running white horse, with red sill and reins (proper, here brown). The colours are: Argent (white) and red.
Other colours: Those used for sill and reins are not determined, these figures being represented proper, that is, in their own colour.
9. Osuna.
The arms of Osuna are represented as follows: a castle surrounded by two bears rampant on a field or. The colours are: Or, green, blue and brown.
10. Écija.
The arms of Écija are represented in a simpler manner; as follows: on a field argent an escutcheon azure charged with a sun or. The colours are: Or, argent (white) and azure.

When used on the flag, the coat of arms shall always be represented in full colours.

Ivan Sache, 25 January 2017

Universidad Pablo de Olavide


Flag of UPO - Image by Luis Migual Arias, S.E.V., 14 October 2019

Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO; website) was established in Seville by Law No. 3, approved on 1 July 1997 by the Government of Andalusia and published on 3 July 1997 in the official gazette of Andalusia, No. 76, pp. 8,025-8,027 (text).
UPO is composed of six Faculties (Business; Experimental Sciences; Sport Sciences; Law; Humanities), 1 Polytechnic School, 1 Associated University Center (San Isidoro), and 8 Research Centers.

The university is named for the statesman Pablo de Olavide y Jáuregui (1752-1803). Appointed Governor of Seville in 1767, he organized the complete revamping of the town. He organized on behalf of Charles III the settlement of the Nuevas Poblaciones de Sierra Morena y Andalucía, founding more than 40 towns from scratch. His planned reform of the University of Seville, where Theology would be replaced by Life Sciences, Law and Arts, caused his fall. Jailed by the Inquisition, he managed to flee to France where he was warmly welcomed by Diderot and Voltaire.

The symbols of UPO are prescribed in Article 8 of the university's Statutes (text), last amended by Decree No. 265, adopted on 2 August 2011 by the Government of Andalusia and published on 12 August 2011 in the official gazette of Andalusia, No. 158, pp. 57-72 (text).

1. The coat of arms of Universidad Pablo de Olavide is composed of two inscribed squares and a circle inscribed in the inner square. Between the two squares is the writing "Universidad" (in the upper part, centered) - "Pablo de Olavide" (in the lower part, centered) - "Sevilla" (in the left part, centered) - "año 1997" (in the right part, centered). In the center a calligrapher's quill is placed diagonally, the point to the lower left corner of the inner square, crowned by a starry sky and surrounded by a rising sun formed by wavy lines arranged radially.
2. The seal of the university reproduces its coat of arms.
3. The colors identifying the university are golden yellow and blue.
5. The flag of the university shall be square, golden yellow with the university's coat of arms in the center, in dimensions 1/4 of the flag's area and equidistant from its four corners.

As usual in Spain, the flag in actual use (photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo) is rectangular and not square as prescribed, most probably to match the dimensions of the flags it is flown with - Spain, European Union and Andalusia.

Ivan Sache, 1 May 2018

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