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Bogota (Distrito Capital, Colombia)

Santafé de Bogotá, Capital District

Last modified: 2021-08-26 by klaus-michael schneider
Keywords: bogota | colombia | santafe de bogota | distrito capital |
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by Dov Gutterman, 12 May 2002

See also:

Municipalities (Localidad):

  • [1] Usaquén
  • [2] Chapinero
  • [3] Santa Fé
  • [4] San Cristobal
  • [5] Usme
  • [6] Tunjuelito
  • [7] Bosa
  • [8] Kennedy
  • [9] Fontibón
  • [10] Engativá
  • [11] Suba
  • [12] Barrios Unidos
  • [13] Teusaquillo
  • [14] Martirés
  • [15] Antonio Nariño
  • [16] Puente Aranda
  • [17] La Candelaria
  • [18] Rafael Uribe Uribe
  • [19] Ciudad Bolivar
  • [20] Sumapaz

Other Sites:

The Flag

Adopted: 1952, colours based on the flag of the revolt of 1810. See: Cundinamarca Independent State (1813-1814).
Jaume Olle, 8 September 1996

At <> there is more info about the flag. The image is plain yellow over red bicolor.
Dov Gutterman, 27 December 1998

According to the official site the flag is plain yellow over red without the Coat of Arms. The site says:
"La Bandera de Bogotá halla su origen en el mismo movimiento de, insurgencia contra las autoridades coloniales que estalló el 20 de julio de 1810. Los rebeldes comenzaron a llevar ese día en el antebrazo una escarapela con los colores amarillo y rojo, que son los de la Bandera de España vigente entonces para el Nuevo Reino de Granada. Después de 142 años, mediante decreto 555 del 9 de octubre de 1952, la escarapela patriota quedó oficial y definitivamente adoptada como Bandera de Bogotá.
Elevado y ejemplar es el significado atribuido a los colores de la Bandera. El amarillo se toma por representativo de la justicia, clemencia, virtud y benignidad y el rojo por símbolo de libertad, salud y caridad. Se trata de cualidades que se desean ver reflejadas en el comportamiento personal y colectivo de todos los habitantes de Santa Fe de Bogotá."
Source: <>.
Dov Gutterman, 12 May 2002

Flag with Coat of Arms

Flag of BOGOTA
by Carlos Thompson, 22 March 2003

Additional Flag of Bogotá

Flag of BOGOTA
image by Zoltan Horvath, 24 November 2013

On November 15, during a tv news broadcast by CM& one can see an additional official flag of Bogotá. It is a plain horizontal white flag with the coat of arms in the middle.
Image (official flag is the first from left to right).
Esteban Rivera, 19 November 2013

This flag seems not to be white, but pale yellow or cream. Please see board backround, and jackets wearing by guys around the table. They are white. If you compare the colour shade of flag with these white elements on this picture, we can state that this flag is definitley not white. This flag may not belong to Bogotá itself, likely it belongs to a department or other entity of Mayor administration.
Zoltan Horvath, 24 November 2013

Coat of Arms

by Carlos Thompson, 22 March 2003

Distrito Capital (Bogotá) adopted the Coat of Arms at the Real cédula dada en Valladolid on 3 December 1548, ten year after the fundation of the city.
Luis Carrillo
, 15 July 2002

The crowned eagle is because we were under the government of Spain, I think that is what it represent. About the flowers that the coat of arms has, it is the grenade flower, that's because Colombia, as you know, was named Nueva
Granada (New Grenade). The Colors are red and yellow because it was a Spanish colony.
Juan Arenas, 31 March 2004

The correct name of "granda" in English is "pomegranate". The Latin name of the pomegranate tree is "Punica granatum". "Punica" recalls that the tree was brought back from Carthago by the Romans. In French, the ancient name of the fruit was "pume grenate", "pume" being an ancient form of "pomme" (apple) and "grenate" derived from Latin "granatum", a fruit with grains, via a dialect of Northern Italia (Grand Robert de la Langue Francaise). The name of the fruit was later simplified to "grenade", the same word being later used for the weapon. In the ancient mythology, the grain of pomegranate was the symbol of the faults and pleasures which sent you to hell. It was later adopted as the mystical symbol of divine perfection (op. cit.).
Ivan Sache, 1 April 2004

Bogotá Mayor Sash

Today during the inauguration of the Mayor of the City of Bogotá, one can see the sash, which has the same colors as the flag and also the Coat of Arms.
The sash can be seen here:
- Picture:
- Video:
Esteban Rivera, 02 January 2012

Personería de Bogotá D.C.

Yesterday on CM& news, a local news broadcast, the flag of the Personería de Bogotá is seen.
Personería de Bogotá D.C. is the organization in charge of the defense and safeguard of the citizens' rights and operates at the local level, that is, city-wide. It's kind of a mixture between the Defensoría and the Procuraduría. The Procuraduría de Bogotá was established more recently by Decree No. 1421 of 1993, its roots date back to the XVIIIth century.

The flag of the Personería de Bogotá a white horizontal flag with the logo in the middle.
Images attached:
- Cropped logo from the official website.
- Flag of the Personería, first flag from left to right.
An image of the flag is seen here:
Source: (Bogotá Mayor's Office official website)
For additional information please go to: Personería de Bogotá (official website)
Esteban Rivera, 07 September 2013

Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá

image located by Esteban Rivera, 14 December 2015

On March 18 during the main broadcast of tv news CM&, one can see the flag of the EAAB (Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá, Aqueduct and Sewer Company of Bogotá). EAAB was established by Acuerdo (Law) 105 of the Administrative (City) Council of Bogotá on December 9, 1955.
Sources: this portal, and

The flag is the logo on a light blue blackground.
Image iscropped image from tv broadcast at 21:33.

For additional information please go to: Acueducto (official website)
Esteban Rivera, 14 December 2015

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