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Diese Website beschäftigt sich mit der Wissenschaft der Vexillologie (Flaggenkunde).
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Der Hoster dieser Seite distanziert sich ausdrücklich von jedweden hierauf u.U. dargestellten Symbolen verfassungsfeindlicher Organisationen.

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Bibliography (codes [j0a] to [j9z])

Last modified: 2017-12-28 by antónio martins
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Missing info! (4)
Title: On Turning the Flag Into a Sacred Object
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Robert Jewett; Constance Collora
Language: English
Source title: Journal of Church and State
Source number (date): 37 (1995)
Source pages: 741-752


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Title: Standards, Badges and Livery Colours of the War of the Roses
Medium: book
Main author(s): Pat McGill; Jonathan Jones
Edition (publisher: place): Freezywater Publications: Freezywater, Enfield (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 199X
Remarks: Reviewed in [ede95]. Price: £7.50.


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Title: Flags in the Ottawa Valley
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Jacques Cyr; A. Kevin Harrington
Language: English
Source title: Flagscan [fsc]
Source number (date): 30 (1993)


Title: Das Wappen und die Flagge von Saint-Pierre und Miquelon
(in English: The arms and the flag of St. Pierre and Miquelon)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Leon Joner; J. Lehuenen
Secondary author(s): Roman Klimeš
Language: German (High)
Source title: Kleeblatt: Zeitschrift für Heraldik und verwandte Wissenschaften [klb]
Source number (date): 1994-2 (1994)
Source pages: 28-34


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Title: Wissenswertes über die Bundeswehr
(in English: Interesting facts about the Federal Armed Forces)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Hans Edgar Jahn; Kurt Neher
Edition (publisher: place): Festland Verlag: Bonn (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1959
Pages: 206
Format: 144×102 mm
Remarks: contains command flags, car flags


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Title: Osnove heraldike in istovetnostni simboli slovenskih občin
(in English: The elements of heraldic symbols representing the municipalities of Slovenia)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Rinaldo Stanič; Tadej Jakopič
Edition (publisher: place): Lečnik: Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Language: Slovene
Edition date: 2004
Catalogue codes: ISBN 961-238-392-8 = ISBN 978-961-238-392-3
COBISS.SI-ID 216750336
Pages: 350 (approx.)


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Title: Japanese Crest Design / 日本の紋章 | ペーパーバック
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): Pie Books: (unknown location) (Japan)
Languages: English and Japanese
Edition date: 2005
Catalogue codes: ISBN 978-48944446-10
Pages: 400
Format: 204×152 mm
Remarks: Information on line.


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Title: Sengoku Bushou Retsuden | 戦国武将列伝
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): Shinjinbutsuoraisha: (unknown location) (Japan)
Language: Japanese
Edition date: 2006
Catalogue codes: ISBN 978-44040333-10
Pages: 155
Format: 25×18 cm

Remarks: Information on line.

Full title: 戦国武将列伝―甲冑・旗指物・陣羽織等、 名品を一挙掲載 (別冊歴史読本 (39)


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Medium: series of numbered collectibles (usu. to be pasted on album with blanks)
Edition (publisher: place): (Japan)
Language: Japanese
Edition date: 1871
Pages: 13 pl.

Plates of flag from a book: for comparation is very interesting.
Jaume Ollē, 22 Jun 2002


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Title: ドラえもんのせかいのこっき | Doraemon no sekai no kokki
(in English: Doraemon, emblems and flags)
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): Shogakkan: 東京 | Tokyo (Japan)
Language: English
Edition date: 1994
Catalogue codes: ISBN 4-09-727105-9 = ISBN 978-4-09-727105-5
Format: A4 (tall) (279×210 mm)

Remarks: N26 in [brz96b]. Price: 1323 ¥. For children. Information on line.


Missing info! (4)
Title: 世界の国旗 | Sekai no kokki | ビジュアル
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): Kikuyashoten: 東京 | Tokyo (Japan)
Language: Japanese
Edition date: 1994
Catalogue codes: ISBN 4-7632-4050-1 = ISBN 978-4-7632-4050-7
Pages: 206
Format: 26 cm
Remarks: Information on line. N69 in [brz96b].


Missing info! (4)
Title: 世界の国旗 | Sekai no kokki | ビジュアル
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): Suzuki Publishing Co. : (unknown location) (Japan)
Languages: Japanese
Edition date: 1997
Catalogue codes: ISBN 4-7902-6096-8 = ISBN 978-4-7902-6096-7
Pages: 50
Format: 23,5×23,5 cm
Remarks: Listed in [brz00a] as Q101.


Missing info! (3)
Title: National flags of the world
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): Gakken: Tokyo (Japan)
Languages: English
Edition date: 1997
Catalogue codes: ISBN 4-05-400548-9 = ISBN 978-4-05-400548-8
Pages: 232
Format: 28,5 cm
Remarks: Listed in [brz00a] as Q80.

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