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Bibliography (codes [ara] to [aru])

Last modified: 2017-12-28 by antónio martins
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Title: Ar Banniel
(in English: The Banner)
Medium: periodical
Edition (publisher: place): Kevarzhe Vannielouriezh Vreizh (KVV) (France)
Languages: Breton and French
Publishing dates: 1996-
Frequency: 2 issues per annum
Catalogue codes: ISSN:1274-5596
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (tall) (279×210 mm)

According to a recent communication to correct data for this vex organization, Ar Banniel went to biannual editions in 2006 (no longer triannual).
Phil Nelson, 29 Nov 2006


Unused entry: Please refer to author Luis Eduardo Arce Cortéz.


Missing info! (3)
Title: Merkið: Flaggsøgan
Medium: book
Main author(s): Niels Juel Arge
Edition (publisher: place): Forlagið Hvessingur: Tórshavn (Faroe Islands)
Language: Faroese
Edition date: 1980 (2nd ed.)
Pages: 168


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Title: Bretar strika danska flaggið; Mason velur Merkið
(in English: The British strike the Danish flag; Mason chooses the flag)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Niels Juel Arge
Language: Faroese
Source title: Stríðsárini 1940-45. Fyrsta bók: Hersettar oygjar
Source number (date): (1985)
Source pages: 65-85
Source edition (publisher: place): Forlagið Hvessingur: Tórshavn (Faroe Islands)


Missing info! (4)
Title: Archives Héraldiques Suisses / Schweizerisches Archiv für Heraldik
(in English: Swiss Heraldic Archives)
Medium: periodical
Edition (publisher: place): Société Suisse Héraldique: Lausanne (Switzerland)
Languages: German (High), French, Italian and Rumantsh
Publishing dates: 1954-
Remarks: Title in 1954-1987: Archivum Heraldicum

13 entries in this source:

issue 28:4:
p.205-206 + pl.5: [arh14];
issue 70:
p.43-44: [neu56];
issue 74 (2#45;3):
p.34-35: [neu60];
issue 82:
p.3-5: [krt68]; p.6-9: [jag68];
issue 82:
p.46: [jsu68];
issue Ao LXXXIV (= 84), Bulletin No. 2#45;3:
issue 85:
p.39-43: [mrt71];
issue 90-3#45;4:
p.2-7: [neu76];
issue 93-1#45;2:
p.2-8: [neu79b];
issue 106:
p.1 (?), 6-27: [lsz92];
issue 109:
p.54-55: [mar95a];
issue 111:
p.155-156: [mar97];


Missing info! (1)
Title: Die neue Fahne der Schweizergarde
(in English: The new flags of the Swiss Guard)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Language: German (High)
Source title: Archives Héraldiques Suisses / Schweizerisches Archiv für Heraldik [arh]
Source number (date): 28:4 (1914)
Source pages: 205-206 + pl.5


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [arp05b]


Title: Історія герба Королівства Сербії (1882-1918) | Ịstorịâ gerba Korolịvstva Serbịị̈ (1882-1918)
(in English: History of the Royal Arms of the Kingdom of Serbia (1882-1918))
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Андріч Дж. | Andrịĉ Dẑ.
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 11 (1996.03)
Source pages: 15


Missing info! (4)
Title: The signs 𔇭 and 𔄸
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): A. J. Arkell
Language: English
Source title: The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
Source number (date): 19 (1933)
Source pages: 175-176 + pl.

Remarks: The title includes the egyptian glyphs U+141ED and U+14138.


Missing info! (4)
Title: What’s Red, White, and Blue and Syndetic?
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Robert Plant Armstrong
Language: English
Source title: Journal of American Folklore
Source number (date): 95 (1982)
Source pages: 327-346


Title: Die Wappenführung der deutschen Landkreise: Zu einer neuen laufenden Veröffentlichung des Herold
(in English: The use of arms by the German counties: on a new current publication of the Herold)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Jürgen Arndt
Language: German (High)
Source title: Der Herold [dhe]
Source number (date): 5 (1963)
Source pages: 162-163


Missing info! (1)
Title: Zur Ordnung der Wappen nach Bildern in historischer und systematischer Betrachtung
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Jürgen Arndt
Language: German (High)
Source title: Herold-Jahrbuch [hjb]
Source number (date): 1 (1972)
Source pages: 5-24


Title: Wappen und Flaggen des Deutschen Reiches und seiner Bundesstaaten (1871-1918)
(in English: Arms and Flags of the German Empire and its Federal States (1871-1918))
Medium: book
Main author(s): Jürgen Arndt
Secondary author(s): Hugo Gerard Ströhl (ill.)
Edition (publisher: place): Harenberg Kommunikation: Dortmund (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1979 (1st ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 3-921846-81-1 = ISBN 978-3-921846-81-10
Pages: 115
Format: 175×121 mm

Remarks: Three later editions up to 1988.

From the charts by heraldic illustrator Hugo Gerard Ströhl and explained by Jürgen Arndt. Colour illustrations of the German States’ coats-of-arms by Ströhl. Pitifully the flags are not Ströhl’s but only the Landesfarben striped flags.
Emil Dreyer, 25 Mar 2000


Title: Das Wiedererstehen der mitteldeutschen Länder — ihre Wappen und Flaggen
(in English: The rebirth of the Central German states — their coats-of-arms and flags)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Jürgen Arndt
Language: German (High)
Source title: Der Herold [dhe]
Source number (date): 13-3 (1990)
Source pages: 49-62


Missing info! (5)
Title: Biographisches Lexikon der Heraldiker sowie der Sphragistiker, Vexillologen und Insignologen
Medium: book
Main author(s): Jürgen Arndt
Edition (publisher: place): Bauer & Raspe: Neustadt/Aisch (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1992


Title: Moderne deutsche Staatsheraldik: Zur Serie der Briefmarken mit den Wappen der Bundesländer
(in English: Modern German state heraldry: on a series of postage stamps with the arms of the federal states)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Jürgen Arndt
Language: German (High)
Source title: Der Herold [dhe]
Source number (date): 14 (1994)
Source pages: 227-231


Unused entry: Please refer to author Rodney F. Allen.


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [r2a71]


Missing info! (2)
Title: La orden circular del 30 de abril de 1940
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Luis Miguel Arias Pérez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 85 (2002)


Missing info! (2)
Title: Evolución de los distintivos para vehículos militares en España
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Luis Miguel Arias Pérez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 89 (2003)
Remarks: 17th Spanish Vexillology Congress


Missing info! (2)
Title: El reglamento de 1977 un cuarto de siglo después
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Luis Miguel Arias Pérez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 88 (2003)
Remarks: 2nd part: [arp04a].


Title: Reino de España : Banderas e Insignias
(in English: Kingdom of Spain : Ensigns and Command Flags)
Medium: chart
Main author(s): Luis Miguel Arias Pérez
Edition (publisher: place): (author): Madrid (Spain)
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Edition date: 2004 (1st ed.)
Format: A3 (tall) (420×296 mm)
Weight: 12 g

Remarks: Shows all the currently used ensigns and command flags of the Spanish navy, taking into account all legislation published after the 1977 flag decree. A limited edition of 25 copies.


Missing info! (2)
Title: El reglamento de 1977 un cuarto de siglo después (II)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Luis Miguel Arias Pérez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 91 (2004)
Remarks: 1st part: [arp03a].


Missing info! (2)
Title: Disquisición acerca del gallardete de España
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Luis Miguel Arias Pérez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 92 (2004)


Missing info! (2)
Title: Insignias y distintivos de la Armada Española en el cambio del siglo XIX al XX
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Luis Miguel Arias Pérez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 97 (2005)


Missing info! (2)
Title: Del Resguardo de Tabacos al Servicio de Vigilancia Aduanera
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Luis Miguel Arias Pérez
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 96 (2005)
Remarks: 19th Spanish Vexillology Congress


Title: El reglamento de banderas actualizado
(in English: The updated regulation on flags)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Luis Miguel Arias Pérez
Edition (publisher: place): Sociedad Española de Vexilología (SEV) (Spain)
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Edition date: 2005 (1st ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 84-609-5649-0 = ISBN 978-84-609-5649-5
Pages: 125
Format: 21×15 cm
Remarks: hardbound, sold by the SEV, 12 €


Missing info! (2)
Title: Un vexillarius della IIII Legio Macedonica a Parma
(in English: A standard-bearer of the IIII Legio Macedonica at Parma)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Maria Giovanna Arrigoni Bertini
Language: Italian
Source title: Epigraphica - Rivista italiana di Epigrafia
Source number (date): 50 (1988)
Source pages: 179-189
Source edition (publisher: place): Fratelli Lega Editori: Faenza (Italy)


Missing info! (4)
Title: Символы России: Очерки Истории Государственной Символики России | Simvoly Rossii: Oĉerki Istorii Gosudarstvennoĭ Simvoliki Rossii
Medium: book
Main author(s): Надежда Александровна Соболева | Nadeẑda Aleksandrovna Soboleva; Владимир А. Артамонов | Vladimir A. Artamonov
Edition (publisher: place): Panorama: Москва | Moskva (Russia)
Language: Russian
Edition date: 1993
Catalogue codes: ISBN 5-85220-155-3 = ISBN 978-5-85220-155-3
Pages: 208


Title: Герб и флаг России: X-XX века | Gerb i flag Rossii: X-XX veka
(in English: Arms and Flag of Russia in the 10th-20th centuries)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Владимир А. Артамонов | Vladimir A. Artamonov
Secondary author(s): Георгий В. Вилинбахов | Georgiĭ V. Vilinbaqov; Саґит Ф. Фаізов | Sag⃓it F. Faịzov; А. Л. Хорошкевич | A. L. Qoroŝkeviĉ
Edition (publisher: place): Издательство Юридическая Литература | Izdatelhstvo Ûridiĉeskaâ Literatura: Москва | Moskva (Russia)
Language: Russian
Edition date: 1997 (1st ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 5-7260-0883-9 = ISBN 978-5-7260-0883-7
Pages: 560 + 32 pl.
Format: 180×140(×35) mm
Remarks: Ill. (some col.). Listed in [brz00a] as Q43.


Missing info! (2)
Title: La bandera cívico-religiosa de San Antonio, Abad, de Canals
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ramón Arnau Palop
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Banderas [ban]
Source number (date): 89 (2003)
Remarks: 17th Spanish Vexillology Congress


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [a2r86]

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